Chapter 16

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Kendall in mm.

Excuse all mistakes. Enjoy.



"Daddy!! Daddy!!" I heard a soft voice calling my name.

I opened my eyed to see Morgan on my lap, trying to wake me up.

"What princess?" I said rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Da door Daddy." She said pointing to the door. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to figure out what she talking about.

Knock knock.

I picked up Morgan and walked towards the door. I opened it revealing Malia there with bags in her hands.

"Ms.Malia!!!" Morgan screamed.

"Damn. My ear Morgan." I said.

"Sorry Daddy."

"Its okay princess."

Malia came in with her bags. I looked at her face to see her crying but you could tell she was trying to hide it since Morgan was here.
"Hey pumpkin. I missed you." Malia said grabbing Morgan and kissed her cheek.

"I miss you too." Morgan said.

"Whatcha doing here baby girl?" I asked.

Malia stood there like she was in deep thought and a single tear fell down her face.

"Ms.Maila you got boo boo." Morgan said playing with Malia's hand.

I looked at her wrist and saw cut marks. Malia tried to pull down her sleeve to cover it but I already saw it.

"Morgan go in your room and let me talk to Malia."

Morgan got down and ran down the hallway to her room. I stared at Malia while she looked everywhere else trying to avoid my gaze.

"Wanna tell me how you got dem cuts on ya arm?"

"I...umm... I fell on some rocks."

"Really? That's the bullshit of an excuse you came up with. You fell on some rocks. That's some bullshit!!!" I yelled getting in her face.

"Lower your voice. Morgan can still hear you." She said walking in the living room with me right behind her. I inhaled and then exhaled.

"What happened to your wrist?"

"I already told you I fell on some rocks."

"Are you serious you think I'm that dumb? I know damn well no rocks did that to your wrist." I said. I grabbed her wrist pulling her into me. I roughly grabbed her chin and turned her face to me.

"Now don't make me ask your ass again. What the fuck happened to your wrist?" I said through clenched teeth.

"I cut myself." She whispered softly, thinking I wouldn't hear her.

"So you cutting yourself again. What I told you about that shit?"

"To not do it again."

"And what your ass did? You did it again."

I pushed her away from me. And sat on the couch. She so hard headed.

"Are you stupid or are you just stupid? You can fucking die from doing that shit. Do you know how I would feel if you died?"

"The same way I would feel if you died."

"Okay den. So why would you take that risk?"

"Because I had to. I was going through some shit. So my first thought was to go to my favorite spot in the park and you know what happened after that. And then I came here."

"See that's why I'm here. To help you with your problems. Not that razor."

"I know but I wasn't thinking. It just happened and it just-... Nevermind. You wouldn't understand." She said turning to head in the kitchen.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her onto my lap.

"Well help me understand." I said.

"You might think I'm crazy." She said looking down in her lap.

"I won't think you crazy baby. I promise."

She sighed and looked at me.

"That razor is my best friend. It knows what I have been through and it has always been there for me. When I cut myself I don't feel pain at all. I just feel so relieved and free. Like nobody in the world can bother me. And nothing else matters but that razor and my arm. I just feel.... it kinda feels like I'm high. Like how you feel when you smoke weed, that's how I feel every time that razor connects with my arm." She said, now looking at nothing in particular.

I just sat there with nothing to say. Like what was I suppose to say after she said that.

"You know what my mom told me today?"

"No, what she say baby girl?"

"She told me that she didn't love me. And that she can't believe she gave birth to a creature like me. A creature. My own mom Kendall. Do you know how much that stung? The woman that gave birth to me, that raised me, that cared and provided for me called me a fucking creature like I was some stray animal on the side of the road. And she doesn't even love me."

She broke down in my arms. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, comforting her. I rocked us back and forth trying to calm her down for the rest of the night.


Hey y'all. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. 3 updates in 4 days. Y'all should be thankful cuz as you know I never do this. So your welcome. Lol jk.

But anyways, this is a serious subject that many people deal with. Even though times might seem hard and you might not think that you can handle it, just remember that you have a purpose on this world and that somebody might need you. So harming or killing yourself is not a option. NEVER. If you need someone to talk to, just pm me and I will respond back. Don't be afraid to tell people your problems they might be able to help.

It might seem like I'm making a big deal out of nothing but this is something serious. So yea, remember what I said. Everybody has a reason to be on this Earth, so don't let hard times effect it or you.

So yea, thats all i have to say. Love y'all.


"Fat" GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora