Chapter 22

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Kendall in the mm.

Enjoy and excuse all mistakes.



"I'm so-sorry Kendall. But I can't."

Those words kept echoing through my head all day. I couldn't concentrate in none of my classes. She was the only thing that was on my mind right now. The only thing I couldn't stop thinking about.

You never know what you had until its gone. And that's how I feel right now. Malia was the best girlfriend I could ever ask for and I never treated her like the Queen she need to be treated like. And now that she is gone, I miss her like hell and wish I would have done everything to keep her.

"Daddy!" Morgan screamed, coming into my room. She jumped on my bed and then climbed on top of me.

"What's up princess?"

"I want mommy. I miss her." Since Malia been gone for a couple days, Morgan has been begging to see her. She's not use to not seeing Malia everyday like she used to.

"You want to call her?" I asked. Morgan nodded and handed me my phone from off the night stand.

I went to Malia's contact and pressed the call button. It rung for quite some time, making me think that she wasn't going answer. But she finally answered with a dry "Hello."

"Hey, umm... Morgan wanted to talk to you."

"Lemme speak to her."

I handed the phone off to Morgan.

"Hey mommy! I miss you. You miss me?"

While Morgan was having her conversation on the with Malia, I walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Opening the drawer under the sink, I saw my stash. I sat on the toilet and prepared my blunt. As soon as I was going light it, Morgan knocked on the door.

"Daddy! Mommy want to talk." She said.

I opened the door and grabbed the phone from her before picking her up and walking her back to the bed.


"Morgan wants to come with me Saturday to get our nails done."

"Okay, what time do you want to pick her up?"

Morgan climbed on top of me and laid her face on my face, something she does when she gets sleepy.

"Probably around 1 or either 2. Is that fine?"

"That's fine."

There was an awkward silence for a while until she broke it.

"Well, I got to go. Umm.. Bye."

She didn't even give me time to say bye, she just hung up on me. Sighing, I tossed my phone on the bed beside Morgan and I. Looking up at the ceiling, k began to think about all the good times me and Malia had.

To say I missed her was an understatement. I was so used to seeing her beautiful face beside me every morning, hearing her talk about the most random things, seeing her smile over the simplest stuff. But now I barely see or talk to her.

"Okay princess. Time to take a bath."



"2 in the morning my mind is on you,4 in the morning it still hasn't moveHit me to tell me you get off at 10,Come here, I make sure you get off again

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"2 in the morning my mind is on you,
4 in the morning it still hasn't move
Hit me to tell me you get off at 10,
Come here, I make sure you get off again." Drake rapped from the speakers of my phone.

Since I was done with all my homework and I had nothing else to do, I began listening music off of Pandora and scrolling through WeHeartIt. It kind of kept me relaxed and kept my mind from thinking about things. Things being Kendall and I's relationship.

Today when he approached me at school, I took all I had not to give him another chance. I thought I was looking bad and taking the break up hard. But the way Kendall was looking, seemed like he was taking it was harder than me. And that kind of made me feel bad.

I don't even know why. Its not like I was the one that cheated and caused us to come apart. Its not like I was the one in the wrong. In all honestly, I didn't even do anything wrong so I shouldn't even be feeling like the bad guy. But I just can't help but feel like the bad guy.

The way he looked when he was talking to me, just started making me feel bad. He looked tired and sick. He looked pale and his eyes were slightly red. He just didn't look like the normal, goofy Kendall. He didn't look like himself.

I'm not even going to lie and say I don't miss Kendall. When he called earlier, I was nervous and happy at the same time. Nervous that he was trying to plead his way back into my heart. And happy that I would be able to hear his voice again. But of course when I answered the phone, I tried to cover up my happiness with a nonchalant tone.

I turned the music off my phone, and began to get myself ready for bed. I put my hair up in a ponytail before climbing into the bed and getting myself comfortable. I soon drifted off to sleep with one thing on my mind. Kendall.


Doesn't seem like Malia is over kendall just yet. Y'all think she gonna ever be over him?

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And I just wanted to say something before I go......

PANTHER NATION!! 💙🐱 (Even though we losing.😶 lol)


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