Chapter 31

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Kendall in the mm.




"Malia! Malia!.... Bruh what the fuck!!" I slammed my phone onto the dashboard feeling myself getting heated.

"Can you go any slower? If don't slam you foot on the gas and get this car going..."

"Nigga, I'm already going 85 mph! You better be glad the police hasn't pulled us over already!" Black roared back at me.

Huffing loudly and slamming my back into my seat, I looked out the windshield seeing that we was about 10 minutes away from the house. But because of Black driving as fast as he was, we arrived there in 5 minutes. The car didn't even come to a complete stop when I jumped out of it, sprinting up to the house.

Quickly opening the house door, I walked up steps, well more like skipped up the steps, skipping 2 or 3 steps on the way up. As I was walking to the hallway down to my room I could hear Chance and a young girl screaming, who I knew was Morgan.

Opening the door, I saw him on top of a naked unconscious Malia with Morgan in the corner screaming and watching them. It was obvious that he was raping Malia, which made me immediately charge to awards him. After knocking him off of Malia onto the floor, I kicked him in his stomach before beginning to repeatedly punch him in the face. I heard bones cracking under my fist but that only motivated me to keep punching his ass. By the time I saw blood coming out of his face onto my hands, someone pulled me off of him who I soon found out was Anthony.

My chest heaved up and down as my eyes traveled around the room, noticing that Black had gotten Morgan out and Sincere was wrapping a cover around Malia's while Derek started kicking Chance in the stomach before pulling out his gun on him.

"Man, please, don't shoot me." He started crying, holding his stomach with salvia making it way out of his mouth on my floor.

"Nigga don't be slobbing on my damn floor, it's bad enough your damn blood all over it."

"Just don't shoot me, please." He begged. I rolled my eyes wanting to stomp him in the head again but Anthony still had me pulled back. Derek shot him in his left kneecap, making Chance make a glass shattering scream.

"Nigga, you've been hitting on my sister and you even had the nerve to rape her in front of my niece," He spoke while walking around Chances body. "I've been letting you slide but not no more nigga." He shot another bullet that pierced him in his right knee cap. Chance screamed out once again.

I smiled in satisfaction, watching him in pain. Other people might say that I might be crazy if I take pleasure in other people's pain but y'all just don't understand. This nigga had it coming for him, he done broke Malia all the way down and now that he took something so special to her, he needed everything that was coming his way. I, as well as Derek, wanted him to feel all the pain and trauma that he has caused Malia.

"Aye man, her breaths are short and low. She needs to go to the hospital like, yesterday!" Sincere said with Malia still in his arms. Anthony let me go so I could grab Malia from him.

"Derek and I will take care of his body and get the clean up crew to clean up the house. Y'all just go take her to the hospital." Anthony said.

I carried Malia bridal style while Sincere grabbed her some clothes. Going down the stairs and into the living room, we saw Black with Morgan on his lap with her ears covered. Sincere told them what was going on that we had to go to the hospital quick. Black held Morgan while leading us towards his car with his keys in his hands. Once we made it to Black's car, I sat in the backseat with Malia in my lap and Morgan beside me.

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