Chapter 21

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Malia in the mm.

Excuse all mistakes. Enjoy.



"Malia. Open the door please. We're going to be late to school." Marie said on the other side of the door.


"Open this damn door Malia before I knock it down."

I rolled my eyes but got up and opened the door for Marie to come in.

"Thank you." She said with a smile on her face. But that was soon replaced with a look of disgust when she walked in the room.

"What the fuck died in here?!"

"My heart."

She looked at me with a sympathetic expression that said "I'm sorry."

"Its fine."

She looked at me some more to see if I was really fine.

"Marie, I'm fine."

"I don't think you are. You have been trapped in this room for 3 days moping over that son of a bitch. You haven't gone to school. You haven't been eating anything besides. Nor have you washed. Which you should do since it smell all types of funky in here." Marie kept on rambling on and on.

"Marie... Marie!"


"What do you want?"

"I want for you to stop crying and being all depressed 'cause it just making me all sad. I want for you to get your ass up and wash 'cause you ass stink as fuck. I want for you to eat something besides ice cream 'cause you been eating all my damn cookies and cream. I want for you-" She was going to continue but I stopped her.

"Okay. Okay. I get it."

"Yea, you betta get it. I was finna call momma up here."

I was glad she didn't call her momma up to the room. I love Ms. Dianne and all but she don't play. If she was up here instead of Marie, she would have been dragged my butt the bathroom and washed me myself and shove food down my throat.

"Please don't." I said.

"Well get your ass up. We going to be later than we already are. I don't have time to be late."

"Damn, I'm going. I'm going."


I walked out the room feeling a little better and fresher. That shower helped me a lot.

"I'm ready." I said, standing in Marie's doorway.

She looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Look at you. You look better already." She stood up and examined my outfit. "But you need to change, you are not finna be looking like that while your with me."

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I didn't see anything wrong with what I had on. My outfit consisted of some extra baggy sweatpants, an oversized white T-shirt (that had a few stains on them), and my Nike slid-ins. Yea, maybe I did look lazy and unkept but I felt real comfortable right now.

"For starters, your sweatpants are way to big. I can't see none of your curves. And that's rule number 1 after a break up, you gotta make that nigga wish he nevered cheated and lost you in the first place." She walked over to her closet and picked out a few things before handing them to me.

"Change into these." She picked her brown combat boots, handing them to me also. "Put these on too." She said before pushing me into the bathroom to change.


"See, that is so much better."

I looked over in her full length mirror and I must admit, this outfit makes me seem a lot better. The outfit was cute but simple and also comfortable. I had on a black leggings, burgundy crop top, a jean jacket, and the brown combat boots Marie handed to me.

"Now that you look presentable, we can now go."

We walked out her bedroom and down the stairs where we saw her mom sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"Bye mom, we're going to school now." Marie kissed her mom on the cheek.

"Bye Ms. Dianne. Thank you again for letting me stay in your house." I said giving her a hug.

"Your welcome sweetheart. You know I look to you like a daughter."

I smiled before walking out the door behind Marie. I'm glad I could have Ms. Dianne as a mother figure since my own mother doesn't even love me.


We arrived at school about 30 minutes after stopping at Krispy Kreme to get some donuts to each. We sat in the car for a few more minutes eating our donuts. Whenever we finished them, we got out and headed towards our classes.

"I'll see you at lunch."

I nodded and we then went our separate ways.

When I walked into second period, I was feeling perfectly fine until I saw Kendall in the back where we usually sit. I took a deep sigh and went ahead and went to the back.

As soon as I sat down, I wished I never came back here and sat in the front. I could feel Kendall staring a hole into my face but u didn't say anything. Nor did I look towards him. I just couldn't. I would probably break down if I did and I didn't want to cause a scene in class.

The teacher walked in the class and started giving out worksheets. During the whole class period, Kendall kept staring at me. I looked over at him once and wished I never did. He didn't seem like himself.

He looked like he lost a few pounds. The bags and the redness of his eyes told me he didn't he any sleep and he has been crying. We held that stare until the bell rung making me break it.

I hurriedly grabbed my things and ran out the classroom. I heard someone calling my name. Instead of ignoring them like I usually would, I stopped and turned around to see who it was.

He just stood there staring at me for a while making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"I missed you." He finally spoke up. I rolled my eyes acting like I didn't care. But in all actuality I probably missed him way more than he missed me.

"I haven't slept since you left. I need you Malia. I lo-" I cut him off real quick.

"I'm so-sorry Kendall. But I can't." My voice cracked a little. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I walked away before he could say anything else to try to change my mind.

I have to stand my ground. I can't let him just think that he can keep on taking advantage of me. I just can't.


Okay y'all. Here's another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy. It's not that long but you guys already know that I don't usually right long chapters, so because of that imma try to update more.

But anyway, don't forget to vote or comment.


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