Chapter One: Assignment

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Tanya's POV

Tatiana Katrina Rasputin. I'm 27. I have blonde hair. I have blue eyes. I'm 5 foot 4. I've spent 25 years in the red room where I trained as a Black Widow. My little sister Sasha died. I was sterilized at 15. I am the Black Widow. Nothing can scare me. Nothing can scare me.

"Rasputin! He's ready for you." I looked up at the man who said that and got up.

I can take him down without a single bullet.

I walked into Dreykov's office. "Tatiana Rasputin! Good to see my favorite widow has come back in one piece. How was the soldier treatment?" I didn't flinch I knew better then to show emotion. "Good sir I am now strong then ever and awaiting for my next task to serve my country," I replied and the man smirked as his eyes raked down my body in my widow suit.

"I do have a mission for you. In Ohio they have something I want. Hydra. They have something I need but I need you and another widow to go undercover. I have two children and a celebrant ready. You are to get married and live in Ohio. You are going to get me a serum that will save Russian from the American's stupidity. You will be leaving now Vostokoff is 5 minutes away."


Dreykov walked me down to a van, "take this car there will be a church on your stop then they'll take you to the airport to fly straight to Ohio. Rasputin. Don't. Fail. Me." Dreykov growled and I got in the back of the van.

Once the doors shut I felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw a little 3 year old with hazel eyes staring at me. I looked at the driver to see it was one of Dreykov's men. I turned fully around to see a little 8 year old with red hair and green eyes and a little blonde who was the owner of the hazel eyes. "Hello children," I looked and the blonde smiled. "Are you going to be my new mummy?"

I looked into the blonde's eyes and smiled, "yeah I will be baby girl." The blonde tried to jump forward but was stopped by the seat. I smiled wider and got the girl out of her seat and she crawled into my lap. "My name is Yelena!" I smiled and held the child then turned to the red head, "and you baby what's your name?"

"You are very friendly for a widow," was all the green eyed girl said and I turned to her with my legs along the seat holding Yelena in my arms. "Let's just say I didn't let them take my heart. Now name baby or I'm going to have fun with nicknames for you," I smiled and the green eyes turned to my blue. "Natasha," the green eyes looked away and the door opened again and a woman pushed my legs out the way and got in.

Hazel eyes met my own and I froze.

The Iron Maiden. 

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