Chapter Three: Same Bed

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Tanya's POV

We had just arrived in our new house and I was putting Yelena to bed, "Mummy?" I looked down at the 3 year old girl, "yes baby girl?" I asked and she cuddled in one of my shirt. Both the girls... my girls... they wanted to wear my shirts to bed since I have three in my over night bag I came with. Now Natasha and Yelena are wearing my shirts and it is adorable. Both seem to have taken to me quite well even Natasha.

"Can... Can I have story?" Yelena whispered and I smiled, "of course baby girl. Natasha!" The red head ran in with a book ready, "I have a feeling you wanted Yelena to ask me?" The green eyes looked down guilty, "aww baby girl trust me if you want something I will do it I take being a Mummy a serious job."

Yelena giggled and Natasha smiled, "now what are we reading?" I asked Natasha and she handed me a book that looked brand new so it must be from her room, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Sounds cool."

I started to read the first chapter and by the end Yelena was asleep and Natasha was drifting off. I kissed Yelena's head then walked over to Natasha and picked her up. The body froze then I kissed her head, "I won't hurt you ever baby girl." I carried the girl to her room having no trouble with the widow super serum running threw my veins.

Once I put Natasha in bed I tucked her in, "I promise I will be the best Mum I could possibly be for you Natasha." I whispered and slowly walked out of the room.

Once I was downstairs, I grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the liquor cabinet and opened it and took in a mouthful. "I will be starting work at the facility tomorrow as a scientist. I need you try and hack into their systems and see what you can do in case we need a quick escape."

I looked up at the woman with hazel eyes, "why would you do it." I asked and the woman frowned, "do what? That is what we are here from to get what Dreykov wants and go." I took another mouthful, "when I was 3 you took away my 2 year old sister and killed her right in front of me. Why would you do that?"

"Rasputin we grew up in the red room we graduated you know what it is like in there. You kill or you get killed I was forced to kill just like every other time. Just because Dreykov calls me the Iron Maiden does not make me any different then you."

I looked up at the woman and nod, "I'm going to go to bed see you in the morning." I walked upstairs but Melina just kept following me, "what are you doing?" I asked and she looked up at me with a blank face, "going to bed." I shook it off and walked to my room and got in bed but then Melina tried to get in and I jumped out.

"What are you doing!" I yelped and Melina rolled her eyes, "there is no more beds Rasputin we have to share and we are married remember." I moved uncomfortable.

"Okay but don't touch me. I don't want to wake up with you hugging me or something," I sighed and got into bed as far away from Melina as possible and fell asleep. 

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