Chapter Fifteen: Red Room

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Tanya's POV

When I wake up I jump up, "YELENA!" I screamed and looked around to see I'm in a cell. "Yelena! Natasha!" I called out and then I jumped up and started to bang on the door, "let me out!" I screamed and tried smashing my way out over and over again, but it wasn't working.

"Calm down!" I hear Natasha's voice, "Natasha baby are you okay look I'm sorry for everything I should've done more we should've just run away when we had the chance to. You, Yelena, Melina and Me we are family I know the Avengers are your family to but please just let me have the family I was denied for so long. I want that life with you again. I want to be the American Housewife I want Melina to go out and work while I look after you girls. I just want to have Ohio back. I love you Natasha please."

The door to the cell opened. I jumped out preparing for an attack but all I see is Natasha, "how did you get the doors open?" I asked and Natasha smirked, "I invented them." I looked confused but then Natasha pressed her lips to mine and I tried to fight it but the... the lips they feel familiar. Melina? The red head pulled back and I lifted my hand up and pulled the face mask off revealing Melina, "Melina..." I whispered and the hazel eyes stared into mine, "I know you love the girls but how do you feel about me beautiful?"

"You devoiced me..." I whispered and Melina shook her head, "Dreykov never said I had to send the papers in." I let a few tears fall down, "you... your still..."

"Yes you are still my beautiful hot piece of ass wife," Melina smirked and I pulled her down into a kiss. The kiss got heated quickly then Melina pulled back and touched her ear, "Yelena baby it's Mama."

"What?" I heard from the other end, and I cried again. "I hid a knife in your waist pocket," I jumped at the taller woman and kissed her again. Melina wrapped her arms around my waist. "Okay I'm on my way to the widows now," I heard Yelena say and Melina pulled away. "Let go bring down the Red Room my beautiful little housewife," I blushed, and Melina smirked.

Before we could do anything I saw a robot looking person, "what the fuck is that." Melina turned to me, "change your fighting style every few minutes and distract her for me." I nod and got ready for hand to hand combat, "I love you Tatiana." Melina said then ran threw the door behind me.

The robot ran at me and I started to fight losing badly but once I got thrown into the cell door I knew what I could do. I ran up and kicked the robot back using my widow training and threw him into the cell I was locked it then quickly shut the door. I stared as the robot beat against the door, "Tanya!" I turned and saw Melina, "we are going to crash." I stared up at her wide eyed, "then we got to get Nat and Yelena and leave now." 

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