Chapter Ten: 21 Years Later

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Tanya's POV

I was sitting in jail listening to a block called Alexei yap on about his super soldier days. About how he is Dreykov's pet. I rolled my eyes as he kept talking about how much better he is then Captain America. "RASPUTIN YOU GOT MAIL!" I heard a guard yell and I sighed.

I took the seat in front of the super soldier and grabbed his hand and slammed it hard into the table breaking his hand. The man cried out and I spat at him in Russian, "Don't you dare say Dreykov's name in my presents you pathetic little man."

I walked out and got my daily dose of hate mail. When I opened an envelope, I see a little army doll. I start searching and it's head came off and inside was a ear piece. I slowly put it in my ear, "hello?"

"Exit the door in front of you and take that to the hallway and out into the yard," I heard a voice say and I nod. "And don't cause a scene," I smirked. I am so getting out of here. I got up and walked out and when a guard tried to stop me I flipped him and ran out starting a riot.

"You started a riot didn't you," the voice said and I huffed. I ran out into the yard and see a helicopter. I jumped up and climbed up but a guard pulled me back down. I kicked him and broke his jaw. I climbed back up then I see someone from my past I thought I would never see again.

"Natasha?" I whispered and kept climbing. As I ran over to where my daughter is I felt a building explode from across the yard from me. I ran fast and jumped up higher and ran so now I'm opposite Natasha. The copter flew and grabbed Natasha and as it come back I could see the avalanche behind the copter. Just as I was about to die Natasha held out her hand and I jumped.

The copter flew and we climbed up the rope. Once I was in the plane I smiled at my daughter, "Natasha my baby girl you came for me." I went to hug but the red head pushed me away, "you are going to tell us where Dreykov is now."

I looked down, "I don't know where he is." Natasha growled, "of course you fucking do now where is he!" I looked up at Natasha, "I don't know he gave me up I was compromised even if I wanted to I don't know where he is."

"Compromised yeah right what did you do cry," Natasha growled and I grabbed her and looked her dead in the eyes, "I got compromised as soon as I decided to put a bullet in his head for trying to take you girls away."

Natasha stared at me, "like I'd believe that." I released the woman, "why not ask Melina she still works for him." I spat and Natasha eyes widen, and I heard a voice from the front, "Mum Melina? She's still alive?" I huffed, "apparently she sent me devoice papers right after I was released from medical in prison." 

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