Chapter Eleven: Flight

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Tanya's POV

After a moment of silence Natasha spoke again.

"Tell us where Dreykov is or I will toss you out of this helicopter right now," Natasha growled, and I looked deep inside her green eyes. "What did I ever do to deserve this!" I yelled and Natasha hardened, "you took us to him you let the man take us."

I stared into Natasha's eyes, "you really think I did that. That I left you to him. You think I would wish that one any child let alone my own." I whispered and I turned to Yelena, "do you think this to Yelena?" I asked and the blonde at the front stared silent.

"Where is Dreykov?" I turned to Natasha, "you know what I'm jumping out of here I don't deserve this." I opened the door but it was shut before I could jump, "Rasputin! Where is Dreykov!?" Natasha yelled and I turned back to her, "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW OTHERWISE THERE WOULD BE A GUN TO HIS FUCKING HEAD RIGHT NOW SHOOTING HIM!"

After I screamed that I started to cry, "for fucks sake he has taken everything from me. He made me a monster. But for 3 years I was. I was just some American Housewife who had a lovely wife, kids who adored me. I didn't want to give it up. I got shot trying to bargain for you then when he took you from me, I fought until my vision was dying then I shot Dreykov, and he would be dead right now if only his guard didn't get in the way of my bullet. I may be a monster and a widow, but I would not lie to you girls."

"You can't prove your story," Natasha said and I lifted my shirt to show off the bullet scar that they had to dig out of me. "I can't prove anything beyond that," I said and sighed. "Look I want Dreykov dead as much as you girls if not more but I don't know where he is."

"Where is Melina," Natasha asked and I looked up into green eyes, "St. Petersburg just outside of it." Yelena looked from the front, "we don't have enough fuel for St. Petersburg." I looked at the fuel gauge, "we'll make it." Yelena struggled and I got to the front and looked at Yelena, "you are so big now baby girl." I smiled and Yelena just looked at me then back to the sky, "no shit."

"Look you guys know where Melina is now just let me go I can make it on my own," I went to get out of the plane but Natasha pushed me back in, "no you are not leading us into a trap and bailing." I sighed, "look going to see my ex wife isn't my idea of fun so go don't go I don't care but I am going to go find Dreykov and this time I will not miss."

"You are staying in this helicopter Rasputin and you are going to take us to Melina then we will let you go," I stared up into Natasha's eyes and then I feel the helicopter's engine turn off, "Yelena?" Natasha asked and the blonde laughed, "yeah we are out of fuel great job Mother." Yelena spat and it broke my heart. 

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