Chapter Sixteen: I love you

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Tanya's POV

I helped Melina get out the plane, "you really need to work on not getting hurt when you are in planes." I smirked and Melina nipped at my ear, "and you really need to learn who's in charge beautiful." I rolled my eyes and I see Yelena and Natasha. "Yelena! Natasha!" I gently let go of Melina and hugged my girls. Yelena hugged me tight while Natasha just patted my back, "are you okay baby girl?" I asked Yelena and she nod smiling. I turned to Natasha who has a brave look on her face, "you are just like your Mama."

Natasha looked away and I bought her into another hug just so I can check for any lasting damage to her. "Thank you, Mum," Natasha whispered, and I kissed her head. "Of course, baby girl," I held her tighter not wanting to let go.

Eventually I let the red head go and I stare into her green eyes and then turned to Yelena, "I love you girls so much." Yelena hugged me again and I kissed her head. "I love you to Mum," Yelena whispered and I turned to Natasha, "come on you know you want to say it too." I teased and Natasha rolled her eyes, "I love you too Mum."

Another jet landed and out come young widows that were in the Red Room at the time. Yelena walked over and they hugged my youngest, "you came back for us." I smiled and I looked to where the robot was that was now a woman with a burnt face. I walked over as another widow did and the young girl held the woman's hand, "don't worry you can take her too." The young widow smiled, and I helped get the woman up and helped her and the younger widow over to the jet.

Once the widows got all our phone numbers they left saying they'll go release all the other widows out there. I turned back to my little family and smiled, "come on let's get out of here." Natasha shook her head, "no they are going to come for me." I saw cars in the distance. "Then we fight together," Yelena said and Natasha shook her head. I rolled my eyes and turned to Melina, "she gets this from you."

"Well Yelena's like you so we are fair," Melina said and walked back to the jet to get it ready to leave. "Natasha baby come with us," I cupped my daughter's face. "No Mum it's okay I'll see you in a few days I promise," I looked deep into Natasha's eyes. "Don't get yourself killed baby girl or you'll break my heart," I said, and Natasha smirked, "don't worry Mum I'm not that reckless."

I kissed her head then walked over to the jet and soon Yelena joined me without her vest. I looked over at my youngest daughter, "I'll buy you a new one baby girl and your sister... she is going to be okay." I smiled and Yelena jumped into my arms, "I've missed you Mum." I kissed her head, "well I missed you too."

"What about me honey?" I heard Melina say from the cock pit and Yelena laughed, "I missed you too Mama."

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