ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 2 - « Old Friends »

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H A N G E  ' S  P O V -

« I can't believe you did that. »
« Yeah well, i did ! Get over it. »
« Get over it?! Hange, you fucking broke my heart in a million pieces. I trusted you. You were the one. »
« I did it because you were a bitch with me ! Since these past 6 months, you were horrible, and always, and i say ALWAYS, with him. »
« Oh my god, not that again! »
« Yeah, that again. It's your fault. Not mine. »

« You know what? You're right. You maybe not are my one. Maybe he is. HE is always by my side, and have trust in me. Not you. Not everyone. »
« You see ? I'm always right ! Well, go fuck yourself, and him in the same time, i don't want to see your face again. »

« It's not even a problem, i don't want to hear from you ever again. Do you hear me ? Ever. I'm glad you're going to Australia, then it makes things so much easier for me. »

With that, i just standed here, watching the girl i loved so much leaving me, like she said, for ever. I just can't ran towards her, i hate her too. I don't want to see her ever again too. I just want to live my life far away from her. Yeah, it will be a new beginning. A life without her.

A life without her...

Wait, i don't know if i want to. I just dont want to see you now. But for ever? I never imagined my life without you by my side. How can i recreate all my future if it is already planned but only with you?

No, don't take his dirty hand. Don't touch her. Please, come back. Y/n, i'm sorry ! Hey, listen to me ! Don't leave me !

Ladies and gentlemen, our plane in destination of New York will be at his arrival in less than ten minutes. Please stay sit until the airplane is completly stoped.

I woke up in a little trance by the sound of the woman voice, completly lost in my thoughts because of that dream i just had. What was that ? I didn't dream of her for such a long time. I didn't miss it, tho. It's maybe because I was back to New York. I have some memories in here, even though they are from six years ago.

I'm a deep sleeper, so it takes me some time to collect myself and be my veryself again. I stretched my arms when i heard the same woman voice telling us that we have arrived. I was just so excited to see Erwin and Levi again. These two really are something. We talk to eachother when we have time ; being always busy by our hard works, it's sometimes kinda hard to do it.

Even if we don't talk as much as when we were young adults, we kept the same relationship. All of us. Even if Levi would say that he doesn't care.
However, i didn't keep much contact with the others, because they were Y/n's friends first. And I refused to see her face everyday on their stories or on their posts. The only one i'm still talking to by times to times is Armin, by message, this one is just so interesting. He's never on social medias, and he knows that i don't want to hear anything about Y/N, and he respect that.

When I think of it, seeing her in my dreams was so strange, because her face was kind of like a blur, as if my brain doesn't remember every part of her face. Must say that i didn't see her face for such a long time. The only thing i have left of her is our class pictures. And they are old.

Lost in my thoughts again, i didn't immediately noticed that i was in the airport, waiting and searching for a tall, strong blond man. I looked at my phone ; no message from him. Strange, but i decided to just stay here and wait for him, i think levi told me he was early, so he must already be here.

Before i could finish my reasoning, a hand was lightly resting on my shoulder, along with a soft :« Hey, Hange. »

Turning around, i was just facing one of my biggest friend, and one of the kindest.

| The Chosen one | - Hange xFEM!Reader (ModernAU) Where stories live. Discover now