ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 5 - « Remorse »

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They were all breathless, smiling and covered in sweat, but they were happy. All the crowd applauded them, whistled them, and screamed at them some different sentences like « We love you », or « STEP ON ME ! », well, things like that.
Things like was at a rock'n'roll concert.

Their three final songs were participatory, the Orphan Dolls encouraged them to sing with them, or in their place.

Y/N took the mic, waited some seconds so that the noise calms down a bit, and she spoke ;

« Thank you all so much for everything, thank you again for coming, and must of all thank you for supporting us ! It means a lot to me, to us, » she was smiling widly with small tears in the corner of her eyes because of the crowd that couldn't stop cheering at them. « I have no words to explain how much i'm grateful to every inch of you. You made my dream come true, our dream ! »

Jean and Connie were also smiling and took place next to Y/n, Connie putting his arm around her shoulder and Jean around her waist, kissing her on the head.

Y/n wanted to talk again, but her emotion were too powerful for that. She just standed here with Jean and Connie, smiling at the crowd who continued to cheer at them loudly.

« I think what she wants to say is, for the thousandth time, thank you all ! » added Connie with a joyful voice.


« We killed it ! » said Jean , excited about their performance.

« Hell yeah we do ! Do you heard that noise ? It was for us ! Only for us! I never though that one day so many people would enjoy my music so far ! »

« Me too, Conn, » stated Y/N by taking them in a hug in the backstage, « I'm just so proud of us. »

« Aw look at you Y/N, all emotional and shit! I never seen you cry after a concert before, » affirmed Jean.

« I don't know, it's just that they were so many, and that surprise Sasha made me, it's just all of that. »

« Yeah well, dry your tears because now, we are going to get drunk as fuck! » stated Connie, going first out of the backstage.

« For once, i agree with him, come on Y/N! » remarked Jean, taking her by her wrist.

« Wait, i'll join you after, i need to makeup again, because of the tears, you know, » she responded chuckling.

« Okey, see ya, i'll get you a drink. »


After that, Y/N was sitting in front of her mirror, admiring her reflection. It's not everyday that she thought that she was beautiful, but tonight, it was the case. She was hella hot.

« For the love of god miss gurl, what's taking you so much time ?! »

Y/N jumped by surprise and turned to the voice , « Sasha ? »

« Yeah, Sasha! What are you doing ? Come on ! We are waiting for you! » said the brunette girl by taking her by the shoulders.

« Sorry, i was lost in my thoughts, » she chuckled, « did yall manage to book a table ? »

Sasha stopped in her tracks, and went silent.

« Well, about that, uh... » she mumbled slowly, « I was the one who was supposed to do it, but with my work and all, i forgot. »

« Oh, it's okay ! We can find one ! »

« The thing is, Y/N, that there's too much people tonight for your show, so there's no more table for us. But, we managed to find one. » By the look in Sasha's eyes, we could see that she was very tense.

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