ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᏒ 12 - « Never have I ever »

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« Y/N are you ready ?"

"Almost! Coming!"

After some time, everyone was already here, well not quite everyone. By hearing their voices, Y/N could guess that the older trio wasn't here yet. She, on the other hand, wasn't completely ready neither. She was in her bathroom, just across her room, doing her makeup. She didn't want to be too much tonight; it was just a little party at home. So, she opted for a casual outfit, but still an outfit that she felt pretty in it.

As he promised, Armin came earlier and help Mikasa and Sasha with food. They decided to do a lot of different meals, like that, everyone was going to have something to eat. There was sushi, pizzas, some amuses bouche, and various snacks. Y/N wasn't good with food at all, so it was better if she didn't touch to the meals, otherwise everyone might get poisoned.

She looked at herself in the mirror and decided that she was ready. She came out of her room, and was directly pushed by Connie, this one putting his whole weight on her.

"What the hell Connie ?!"

"Took you long enough my girl!" he laughs, staring at her and her outfit, "You look so good for what ?"

"I always look good Conn'. I don't have to do much effort to look pretty, unlike you."


Before he could react, three knocks could be heard at the door. It must be those three, who were kind of late. It was not usual for someone like Levi though. Sasha was the one who opened the door, letting in Erwin, Levi and then Hange.

Levi seemed so pissed, it was so funny to watch. His frames were so rough.

"Damn Levi, what's up?" she asked, trying her very best not to laugh.

Levi let a long sigh escape his mouth while taking his coat off, handing it at Mikasa, who also takes Erwin's and Hange's.

"Trust is that motherfucker right here," he pointed to Hange who awkwardly stand at the doorframe, "didn't wanted to wash theirself, I had to fight with them for like, hours."

"I took a shower before we comes to Jean's! Do you think or care about the impact on the planet sometimes?! Don't overuse water!" they defended themselves.

"I don't give a shit about that, we all going to die someday." He simply finished, taking a seat next to Eren, who was strangely tensed by that.

"Wow, thank you for that information, Levi." Erwin chuckled, "Well, that's why we are late, so sorry. Hange also had some issues to find their outfit."

"Are we going to make the whole conversation about me and my action tonight?" they asked, fake annoyed and crossing their arms.

Y/N looked at their direction, scanning their outfit. They wore a marron pants with a light brown shirt; only the 3 top buttons were opened. Marron was definitely their color.

"Actually yes Hange, you are going to be the one bullied tonight! Take this as a "welcome back" party," answered Ymir, approaching them while smiling widely at them.

Those two had probably the strongest aura in the group. When they all first met, Y/N had trouble to stay with the two of them without having huge gay panics. Well, it was still the case, as like right now. And everybody could see it by the light blush on her cheeks.

She knew it was bad that Hange had still this effect on her, but what could she do? Brunettes were her style. Well, Hange was beautiful looking only when they didn't open their mouth. She didn't know why, but whenever they started talking, Y/N was pissed. It was good though; it was as if it was a natural shield made for her and her only. A shield for protecting her from Hange. It was kinda sad when she thought of them like that, but Hange truly had destroyed her from the inside a long time ago. Not to mention that she still had some issues because of their past relation.

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