Help me Miss Savre

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Serena POV

Walking through the school corridors, I kept my head down, my eyes glued to the floor. Large groups of kids were stood together by the lockers, talking about whatever the newest piece of gossip was.

Like always, I ignored everyone and made my way to class.

School is definitely not my favourite place but it's far better than being anywhere else. It almost feels safe, not fully but safe enough. The full timetable of classes left me with very little time to think about anything else going on in my life.

I had English before lunch. It was my favourite class, not only because of the actual subject but because of my teacher.

She was amazing.

The way she talks about literature and language with such passion is inspiring.

Everyone loved her and people who weren't in her class were consumed with jealously.

Miss Savre had a way of making you feel like you could achieve anything. She made you feel like you were special in class full of people. For the hour a day I spent in ber class, I knew I was safe.

I knew when she was in the room, I would be okay for a little while longer.

I was just about to reach Miss Savre's classroom when someone called my name.

"Hey Serena catch!" They shouted.

I spun around and was just too slow to catch the football heading straight for my face. I tried to block my face and in doing so dropped my notebook and my paper notes flew out everywhere.

The ball hit my head hard, stupid teenagers around me couldn't stop themselves laughing at my expense.

I crouched down to try and collect my things and as I did, realised Miss Savre was already picking them up for me.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She asked softly, looking at me worriedly.

I brought my hand to brush away the hair covering my face and winced as my fingers made contact with where the ball had hit me.

"I'm fine," I said quickly, standing back up.

She passed me my notebook and glanced at me suspiciously.

"We've got a few minutes before class, go wait for me in there Serena," she said calmly, opening the door to her room.

She was about to follow me in but stopped, turning back around to the group of fifteen year olds. They were two years older than me but acted years younger.

"Finn," Miss Savre said sternly to the boy who had thrown the ball.

"Yes Miss?" He chuckled.

"Detention Friday after school," she said simply, not giving him a chance to argue back.

She finally entered the classroom and walked over to her desk, placing down her bag underneath.

"Come here sweetie, let me take a proper look," she said kindly, telling me to come closer.

"I'm fine honestly," I said.

"Serena," she sighed sadly, knowing I was always reluctant to accept help.

"Let me look," she repeated softly.

I walked towards her, unable to make eye contact.

She tilted my head towards her and gently tucked my hair away behind my ear.

"There's a slight red bump," she told me, glancing over my face.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked.

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