Arlo Dittman X Reader {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by 

Thank you for much for your request and I really hope that you enjoy it. Apologises for the delay but I hope that it was worth the wait.


It was your first day working on the set of Magic Funhouse and you couldn't help but feel nervous. You had finally hoped that working on this project would make you feel like you were somebody. Oh, how wrong, and right, you were, but we'll get to that.
You remember walking through the doors and receiving a cold welcome from the receptionist, who you were certain that you recognised from the news as being a convicted sex offender, but you chose to ignore it in the hope that you were wrong. (Spoiler alert, you were correct in thinking that Jimmy was a convicted sex offender). The last thing that you wanted to do on your first day of your new job was to make a bad impression.

"And you are?" Jimmy asked, looking up from his Laptop for brief second before going back to looking at it.

"I'm (Y/n)." You explained to him. "It's my first day here."  Jimmy looked at you as though he had never seen another human being before, and given your experiences since joining the team at Magic Funhouse, he was probably looking at you as though he had never seen a sane human being before; but as previously mentioned, we'll get to that . "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. I spoke to Leslie Chronis on the phone and he told me that I start today." You explained, feeling very award and wondering if you had got the wrong date. " I'm sure if you look in your laptop, you'll see." You leaned over the desk towards his lapto but noticed that it was not on, instead there was a picture of a man with bright blue hair, contact Kleenex's and a stupid sellotaped to the screen. "Excuse me." Jimmy said, picking up the phone and dialling a number. He waited awkwardly as the phone rang and after a few seconds, someone on the other end of the phone answered. " Yeah, Mr Chronis, I've got someone in reception claiming that it's their first day. Yeah, their name is - what's your name again? - (Y/n). It's (y/n). Okay, yeah, okay." Jimmy stood up from his desk and said: "follow me."

You followed him through the small corridor towards the main set of Magic Funhouse. "This is it." Jimmy said. "This is Magic Funhouse." He smiled proudly before patting you on the back. "Isn't it shit? You'll wish you'd never set foot in this building by the end of the day. "If you hate it so much, why are you working here?"

"It's the only place that'll take me on." He admitted, "Mainly because there are no schools around here." He shook his head and you immediately recognised him but before you had chance to say anything, he had disappeared dramatically behind a curtain and walked back to his desk. "Leslie Chronis!" A man shouted, making you just, causing you to turn around to see a man dressed smartly in a suit, holding out his hand. "You must be-" He stopped, clearly forgetting your name. 

"(Y/n)." You corrected him. 

"Of course. Welcome to TV30! I'm Leslie Chronis, you want it, I can make it happen." You went to speak but you were interrupted by a woman who was shouting a man who was dressed as a police officer. "Cliff! I've told you, stop leaving dildos all over my dressing room."

"And I told you, Sacha, they're for my career as an adult actor." Sacha scoffed, throwing a box of dildos at him. "Please, career, don't make me laugh." 

"Can you two please shut up? I'm trying to get into character here." A unknown voice came from behind the curtain and then emerged a tall man, wearing a red suit, holding a blue wig in his hand. It took a few seconds but you quickly recognised him to be the man that Jimmy had a picture of, selotaped to his laptop screen. "Arlo!" Leslie shouted, "This is (Y/n)."

Arlo looked at you and you felt your heart skip and something told you that his heart had skipped too. "Y-you're new here?" 

"Y-yes." You replied, feeling yourself going red. 

"Well then, welcome." He smiled, but noticed Leslie staring at him. "Oh, and don't fuck up my show." He winked at you, put his wig on and walked over to the stage.


"(Y/n)" Arlo shouted, and you ran into his dressing room. 

"Is everything okay?" You asked him. 

"Do you fancy coming to mine for a drink tonight?" 

"E-Excuse me?" 

Arlo laughed. "Do you, want to have a drink with me, tonight?" he repeated, taking breaths every now and again to allow you to let the words sink in. "Sure." You smiled, "Any special occasion?"

"Well," He smiled, standing up and walking over to you. "May I?" He asked, placing his lips on yours. 

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