Eddie Oswald (Blah Blah) X Wendy

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Eddie Oswald's life had been far from perfect.  His entire life, he'd been desperate for his mother's approval; desperate for the approval of anyone willing to give it to him. Eddie's mother was rude and constantly criticised him and his every action. Eddie could rip his heart of his chest for his mother, and she would snatch it out of his hands, throw it to the ground and stamp on it. Eddie's life long dream was to become an actor, so to pass the time he would make short movies with his best friend, Daniel. Daniel's dream was the become a director. There was one movie the pair made that Eddie was particularly proud of, so proud that he showed his mother, however like with everything else Eddie did; she criticized it. For Eddie, this pushed him over the edge, so along with Daniel, Eddie packed up his belongings and moved to Hollywood to live out his dreams. But what was waiting for him there was arguably more disappointing. For Eddie, it was a string of auditions that led to nothing but being rejected and every other night finding a place to sleep, until they were able to afford a place of their own.

Soon enough, Eddie's life would surely change. Expecting to go into another audition and be rejected, he came out with the part of Blah Blah the clown; the host of what would soon become Los Angeles' No.1 Kid's Show 'Quiet Time with Blah Blah the clown'. Whether this gig was a good or bad thing for Eddie was certainly debatable. Right from the get-go, Eddie did not have an easy time settling into his new role. The crew members refused to treat him like a human being, like Eddie, when the cameras weren't rolling; instead, he was treated like one of the children that came onto his show every morning. Eventually, growing tired of the dehumanisation, Eddie became difficult to work with. The whole process felt like he was back at home with his mother. That's when Wendy was brought onto the show. Wendy was beautiful and around the same age as Eddie.

"Hi." She smiled at him. "I'm Wendy. It's so great to meet you."

"Really?" Eddie asked, taken aback by her comments.

"Of course! You're Blah Blah the clown! An icon in children television."  Eddie took this in, and for the first time in his life, he had been spoken too like he truly mattered. For the next few months, Eddie spent a large amount of his time, on and off the set with Wendy; there was finally someone who treated him like a human being, even when he acted out on set because of the way everyone else treated him;

"Oswald!" The costume designer shouted. "Sit down and don't move!" 

"Fuck's sake!" Eddie replied, annoyed. "Stop treating me like I'm a fucking child!" The costumer designer stopped and gathered her breath. "I'm so sick of your attitude Oswald." She said.

"My attitude?" Eddie looked at her and waited for her to speak again. He was biting his tongue; there was so many things that he wanted to say, but couldn't afford to get himself into any more trouble. The costumer designer looked from Eddie to Wendy, then back at Eddie. "Yeah. None of us in this room get treated with any respect." She looked back at Wendy. "Expect her."

Eddie practically jumped out his chair. "You want to know why I treat her respect, but not anyone else?" Eddie asked. "Why should I? No-one treats me with respect either. My entire life I've been treated like I'm nothing like I don't matter and I thought, stupidly thought, that when I got this job, all of that would change. Clearly I was wrong." He took off his wig and threw it across the room. "Wendy is the only one here that's ever spoken to me as though I matter. Like I'm a human being." He looked at the crew in the room. "When I come in tomorrow, you treat me with respect, that's how I'll treat you. You choose not too, then you can kiss Blah Blah goodbye." Eddie stormed out of the room. 


*A/n* - Not sure how I feel about this...

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