Clean Sheets

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***M + F***


"Brandon, you suck at making a bed." (Y/n) laughed, standing in the doorway of the bedroom, and watching Brandon as he found himself caught up in the bed covers.  "This is fucking ridiculous." He said, throwing the duvet onto the bed. "I'm a grown man. Why is it so hard to make a fucking bed?" He looked at (Y/n) who was still laughing at him. "Surely, it shouldn't be this hard?" He asked, exasperated.

"No, not if you do it correctly." (Y/n) laughed again as Brandon continued to struggle to put the duvet cover onto the bed. Eventually, (Y/N) felt the need to help him before Brandon ended up throwing the entire thing out of their bedroom window. "Here, let me get that for you." (Y/n) offered, exchanging the duvet for the pillows. Brandon took the pillows with open arms. "At least I can put a pillowcase on a pillow." He smiled. "Thank god I'm not completely useless." The next time Brandon looked up, (Y/n) had successfully placed the duvet cover on, and had made the bed. "How the fuck did you do that so quickly?" He asked, finally finishing the pillows, and placing them on the bed as well. "I'm just better at these things than you are." (Y/n) said, smiling at Brandon. "You're good at a lot of things," Brandon replied, placing (Y/n) down on the bed. "So are you." (Y/n) said, as their lips met

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