No Swearing

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You stood with Brandon at the front of the altar, all of your family watching as the two of you stood hand in hand, and more in love than ever before. "(Y/n)." The woman officiating the ceremony turned towards you. "Do you want to say your vows first?" You smiled, as you looked at Brandon. "Brandon. You are my best friend, you are the love of my life. I could not imagine being stood here with anyone else. You are the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are funny, crazy, lovely. I love you so much." He smiled, and winked, making you bit your lip. 

"Brandon." The woman officiating said, indicating that it was Brandon's turn to go next. 

"(Y/n), before I met you, I could imagine myself getting married, or being head over heels in love with someone. I honestly thought that it was all a load of bullshit."

The woman who was officiating the wedding gave a small cough. "No swearing." She muttered. "Sorry." He replied, before turning back to look at you. "You are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, and you make my life great. Actually, you make it fucking amazing."

"No swearing!" He was reminded, but he turned to look at her frustrated. 

"I'm clearly trying to express myself and my love for this amazing human being!" He pointed at you before looking at you again. "I can't imagine my life without you in it, and I don't ever want to. I love you so much (Y/n), and I swear that I am never going to stop loving you. I love you with all my heart." He pulled you closer to him, and kissed you. Everyone in the room clapped.

"Did I say that you could kiss yet?" The two of you were asked. 

"Oh, screw you." Brandon said, as he kissed you again. 

Brandon Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now