Get Away From Her

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I slammed the front door behind me and locked it as quickly as I could. My hands were shaking, and my head was bleeding.  I was now in the safe space of the house that I shared with my roommate and best friend Brandon. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asked, as he ran into the room to see what what going on. "Yeah, I'm fine." I reassured him, as I stood over the sink, running the water, and trying to get rid of the blood. "(Y/n), is that blood?" He asked as he stood behind me. I didn't say anything, but I slowly turned around to look at him. "Brandon..." I began, but I knew I didn't need to say anything else as he pulled me into his arms. 

"(Y/n)?" He said eventually. "Did he do this to you?" He was trying to remain calm but I knew that inside, he was raging. I stayed silent in his arms. "Please. Talk to me." 

"Yes." I whispered into his chest. 

"How long has this been going on?" 

"A few years." I felt him let out a sigh, trying to calm himself. 

"You need to break up with him. You can't live like this."

"I know." I replied. "I've been trying to do it for ages, I tried to do it tonight, but when he realised what was going on he did this to me." Brandon wiped away my tears. "He said that if I broke up with him, he would-" I stopped, unable to speak the next few words.

"He would what?"

"He would kill the person that means the most to me." I looked at him. "He would kill you." The thought of losing Brandon made me feel sick. He was the only person that I had and he meant everything to me. There weren't enough words to describe how much I loved Brandon; in more ways than one. "I'd like to see that motherfucker try." Brandon said.

We both jumped as someone banged on the front door. "(Y/n)! Open the fucking door!" I looked at Brandon. "What do I do?" I asked. 

"You hide. That's what you do." He said, dragging me towards the stairs. "Hide where you can. The bathroom, a bedroom. Barricade the door if you need to, and call the police." I stood and looked at him. "Hide (Y/n). I've got this."

"Brandon! He'll kill you!" I said, crying. 

"(Y/n). I'd die any day for you, but believe me, the second that dickhead walks through the door, he's the one that's going to die, not me." He winked. "No-one is going to hurt you on my watch." He pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently. "Now, go." 

I ran up the stairs and ran into Brandon's bedroom as it was the closest one, closing the door behind me. I pulled out my phone, and called the police. I told them all of the information that needed before adding. "Please hurry." 

"(Y/n)! I won't tell you again! Open this door!" I heard once more, before the sound of the door unlocking was heard. "Where is she?" He shouted. 

"Get the fuck out of my house, you ass-hole." Brandon replied.  

I heard a laugh. "Brandon, don't fucking mess with me." I took a deep breath. I hated that Brandon was out there with him. "Now answer my question, where is she?" 

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Brandon ignored him. 

"Excuse me?"

"Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel like a man when you hit a woman?" Brandon asked him. "Let me tell you something, you are nothing. You are a disgrace, but you are very lucky that I haven't beaten you myself."

There was that laugh again. "Look at you trying to prove yourself. It's pathetic.  It's so obvious that you're in love with (Y/n)." I looked around Brandon's room to see that most of his framed pictures were of me and him. I've always loved Brandon as more than a friend, but I never expected him to feel the same way.  "Brandon, you need to stop kidding yourself. She's never going to feel the same way about you. You're a pathetic excuse for a man." 

"What the hell are you then?" Brandon asked. "You're right about one thing though, I do love her, and that's why I should have seen what a piece of shit you were."  There was a moment of silence before I heard angry voices once more.  "I'm not playing around Brandon, so I'm going to give you one last chance to answer my question - where is she?" He stopped for a second. "Listen to me very closely, if you don't give me an answer, I will not hesitate in putting a bullet in your fucking head!" A gun. He had a gun, and he was about to kill Brandon; it was too much for my heart to take as I stood up and reached for the handle of the door; that's when I heard it. Bang! Bang! Gunshots. "Brandon!" I shouted as I ran out of his room, and down the stairs. "(Y/n)!" He said, pulling me into a hug. His arms were wrapped around me, and I cried into his shoulder. 

"Are you alright?" I asked worriedly. 

"I'm fine." He smiled, as he continued to hold me in his arms. "But he's not." The two of us looked in unison at the body on the ground that was surrounded by the police officers that had shot him. "It's over (Y/n)." He said, kissing the top of my head. "He can't hurt you anymore." 

"Brandon?" I said, after moments of silence as I reflected the last twenty minutes in my head. "I love you." He smiled at me.

"I love you too (Y/n)." He replied. "I've always got your back."

"No, Brandon." I said, stopping him. "I love you."

"(Y/n)..." He smiled, pulling me closer to him. "I love you too."

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