Double Date

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*M + F*


"I like that way your hand fits into mine," Brandon whispered into your ear as you sat across from your friends at the dinner table. Your friends had insisted that you join them for a double date, and the pair of you had spent the best part of your relationship avoiding this evening, but eventually, you were bound to run out of excuses. Now, here you both were, and wishing you were anywhere else. 

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Brandon squeezed your hand under the table and smirked. "Oh, nothing important," Brandon replied, taking a sip of his beer. 

"So Brandon, how's the Youtube thing going?"

"It's going really well," Brandon smiled, his hand was still interlocked with yours. "The channel is getting a lot of attention now, it's so crazy!" Brandon looked towards you. "But I couldn't do it without this amazing human being here." You waved your hand to interrupt him. 

"No, baby." You smiled, holding his face in your hand. "You've done it all on your own. I've just been cheering you on." You kissed him. 

"Aren't you two the cutest?" Brandon stopped and looked at you. 

"Yeah, we are pretty fucking cute."

Brandon Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now