Chapter 3

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             They were ships as far as the human eyes could see. Elijah was now petrified because on each ship seemed to hold hundreds of soldiers, their Kingdom flags flew on each ship proudly holding the dragon symbol.

'They truly prepared on wiping us out....' Elijah thought as a uncomfortable shiver ran down his spine.

"TAKE YOUR POSITIONS!  WAIT FOR MY COMMAND!!" Ordered Elijah and everyone scurried to their positions as he too scurried closer to the boarder, standing before his own army. He saw the first ship sail closer to land and realised that it was Prince Lucas, Thomas's brother, and the second son of Jacob. Excluding him, the ship only held five people, all who seem to be his protectors.

"You know why I am here!" He said to Elijah in authority. Elijah showed no sign of fear, though on the inside he was trembling with fear.

"Where are my family?! My father!? My brother?? Fucking hell! What happened to my sister?!" Elijah yelled to everyone as he heard no response. His frustration was growing as his patience was wearing thin. "Who is charge?! Answer me!" Prince Lucas demanded.

"I am" said Elijah calmly as he walked up the hill with his chest out and his head held high.

"Listen, I understand the grief, confusion and anger that you are feeling right now..." Elijah dragged and tried to reason."but please, they are other ways to do this. We can work something out, okay! We co--"

"I did not ask you any if that?! I want the truth! Where is your King!!?" Lucas asked loudly for everyone to possibly hear him. They all cast their head down in sadness.

"He is dead." Hearing this Lucas was stunned. "Your father murdered him, he Killed our king!" Range began to fill Elijah's body and boiled his blood.

"You do not have a right to be upset! Your king killed my sister!" Lucas exasperated.

"He did not! You do not even know what really happen! How can you just accuse someone of such a crime?!" Elijah yelled back.

"Then you are being hypocritical! How do you Know my father murdered your king?!" Lucas shouted back in denial.

Elijah give him an are-you-fucking-serious look. "We were there! We can call a truce! You are just as wrong as you claim us to be!" Elijah tried to remain calm and put this behind him. Lucas looked as if he was now in deep thought and with a sigh, he turned on his heel as if he was about to leave farther back unto his ship and retreat back home to his kingdom. Elijah let go of the breath that he was holding and relaxed slightly.

And just like the, all air seized its circulation within his body. His muscles tensed and fear was evidently shown in his eyes.

"So which is it that you prefer?" Asked Lucas.

"W-What do you mean?" Elijah's confidence faltered slightly.

"Will you surrender to me?" Lucas turned back around to face Elijah. A cunning smile playing its way unto his thin lips and his dark eyes glowed with evil. "Or Die by the hands of us?" Lucas made the tsk sound a grinned menacingly.

Elijah stood there in complete shock, he had the idea that maybe if he explained everything then, well then the Prince would understand and leave. Unfortunately, he as wrong, oh so wrong..

Lucas had no intentions to go home without fresh blood on his hands, without a proof of justice for his family.

Elijah snarled at lucas in rage, "if it is a fight that you want, then-" he pulled out his sword confidently, pointing it to Lucas. "A fight you shall have!"

Lucas only chuckled at him in mockery. It was already evident that they won't stand a single chance in defeating the South kingdom. There was too little of them, the men didn't seem strong or fit enough to go against the south kingdoms great army. All in all their entire defence was weak!

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