Chapter 7

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John, Serena, Sarafina along with the trackers and soldiers set out to locate and return Hanna home in the cold dark night. Thomas on the other hand had went on his own quest to find her. He knew that it would have made absolutely no sense to just sit around waiting for John to do something, and what it come to if John could not find her? He was not vile and cruel, he could not kill innocent people. Thomas was breaking slowly, yet successfully. He had already lost his sister, his father and the trust of his people and his brother.

His kingdom disowned him .

Even though things kept coming his way beating him down, he still pushed his way through using everything inside of him to find his unborn child that grew within the woman he fell more and more in love with. With this unborn child, he hoped that one day the kingdom would accept the child to be their future Queen or King. Though, he knew for that happen he needed to find his beloved Hanna and he knew that he could not find her on his own, he needed help...spiritual help. He made a swift sharp turn leading to the west side where the earth peek resided. The largest mountain in the entire world.

Now this was not any kind of mountain, this was the largest most dangerous mountain in the entire world. Even the people in the town below was afraid to climb it. Not Thomas though, for he was not afraid of anything except the actual loss of his child and his beloved. Thomas puffed and flew at a much faster rate as he made his way into the direction of the earth's peak. It was time to meet an old friend.


Thomas felt as if he had been flying for days, his wings ached but he forced himself to continue his way to the very top of the Earth's Peak. A strong gust of cold wind flew around his body and the sound of birds chirping almost aggressively and in warning caught his attention. It was a flock of birds. It looked as if the grown ones were having trouble keeping the smaller birds in line. His heart held hope. Though the birds were annoying beside him he could not help but think of the miniature version of himself that his beloved was carrying. His child...

He wanted them safe and within his protection. The bird's loud crowing and chirping snapped Thomas out from the daze he almost fell into. In annoyance he flew faster, wanting to rid the obnoxious creatures.

'They must be moving' he thought not as nearly interested and then it clicked to him.

Winter was coming soon.

For some reason he shivered uncomfortably before averting back his eyes to focus on his path. As the fog cleared away bit by bit his eyes lit up. He had made it and as it was still dark out, it surely took him less of the time span he expected. Exhaustion was slowly creeping under his skin as he landed carefully onto the mountain, A safe distance away from the little house he built many, many years ago.

As soon as he transformed into his human form he felt it. It sizzled in his veins and danced along the cells within his bloodstream. He sighed in satisfied and his eyes glided shut before he suddenly snapped his eyes open upon realisation. He began to march closer to the little clothes line that was attached from the side of the house to a stick a good distance away. He snatched a large cloth from it and hurriedly wrapped it around his body before marching to the small, unpainted crooked door. He did not knock, he did not call, no, do you know what Thomas did? He shoved the door open and marched right in startled Angelina out her once occupied seat. Her forest green eyes were wide with fright and her red, curly hair look as if she was running her hands through it all day in frustrated. As the familiarity of the mans features soaked in her eyes lit up with glee.

"Oh my goddess! Thomas!" Her little voice boomed with excitement as she rushed to him and wrapped her frail hands around his neck pulling him down to her height. A short flame she was.

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