chapter 7 (Continuation)

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John felt embarrassed and pathetic, he couldn't defend himself much less his people and the top it off he was saved by a woman. He scoffed at himself as he sat upon the small cliff over looking a piece of the forestry they were travelling through. The sky was dark aside from the light the moon and stars provided but not sound less. The wild animals were very much awake and roaming there territories. John sighed before laying onto his back watching the almost cloudless sky, the small pebbles digging against his skin but he paid them no mind.

"My king?" he didn't look up but he knew who it was. "We must move once more, time is wasting." She informed him seriously and with acknowledgement he stood up and followed her back silently. Everyone was now up again and preparing to move, he realised the bandits were in such a rush that they forgot their own possessions. Seems as if Serena realised the same thing since he bagged them, claiming them as ours as the thieves s had tried to do to us and began following the trackers leaving John smiling at her smug behaviour before he too followed.


Thomas started to wake back up again, sweet cinnamon floated to his nostrils and he sighed in content.

Thomas (Tj)  got up with a smile on his face as his bestfriend Angelina made breakfast for two, she was humming a soft tune and looked serene......

For the first time in a long time, Tj felt loved. A part of him was tired perusing someone who he knew in his heart loved someone else. Then a thought came to Thomas.

How'd I know she's genuinely in love with me?? I am the only man she'd really known. Not to mention the only one she's seen after years.

But then he remembered how things use to be before the fight between their families. They were the best of friends and they did everything together. They'd safely go out in to a town free of hate and war, not burden by conflict ....

                             (Flash Back)
They would run around together everywhere as close as brother and sister. Angelina's older cousin, Amaiah was in love with Thomas but he was too oblivious in the heart to understand what being in love was. He was just a young boy who only saw them both as sisters. Unknowingly to Thomas, traditionally he was meant to marry Angelina so that the dragon and witch's kingdom could one day become one. Unfortunately, before that could happen Angelina's parents were killed and Angelina had no choice but to go into hiding.

All she could remember from that day was playing in the garden with Thomas and then suddenly hearing loud screams and explosions. Her servant Grace ran to her, trying to help her escape because she knew that Angelina would be killed but in a rush to escape and protect Angelina, Grace was killed by two arrows shooting through her back and into her heart by a man who was covered in a long, black cloak with a hood concealing his face. Before he left he had grabbed Thomas by his upper arm and told him to protect Angelina at all costs and to trust no one. Of course he was stunned, still young and all— how can he trust someone he did not know and just witnessed kill someone who was actually doing the job of protecting? But nevertheless took her to a nearby town where they hid for a few days. 

They knew she couldn't stay anywhere for long because she was being hunted by an unknown enemy. One day while traveling, they shopped at the village market getting food and water for themselves and their horses. They tried gathering information on Angelina's mother and father for they knew towns people loved to gossip and would have information on what had transpired. They paid a man for information that claimed he just came from that side of the world and he told them that no one knows who killed princess Angelina's mother and father, but Angelina's aunt was now the queen and was going to war with the dragon kingdom to get revenge for her sister's death.

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