Chapter 8

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Back at the kingdom people were beginning to get worried about King John for they had not seen or heard from him in days, and neither was the commander forthcoming with information about the King. It seemed as if the councilors too had no knowledge on what was going on so they called for an immediate meeting. They knew that if the king did not show something was definitely wrong, but Elijah told them that the King was in his Chambers and did not want to be disturbed.

"He asked for some time alone. Privacy and that is all." Elijah tried to convince them.

The council informed the commander, Elijah, that the meeting was important to the Kingdom and if the King wants to keep his position and rule  his kingdom he'll heave himself from bed and show up. Sarah, the female soldier that was left with the commander asked him if she should kill them before they start causing panic in the Kingdom and he looked at her horrified.

"What?! No, no. If you killed the Council members don't u think that would also cause suspicion and panic?"

She then laughed and said, "I'm just joking... unless you want me too." She laughed.

"How about you hold off on the killing for now." He said before going going to the councilors and informing them that the King would be attending the meeting. Everyone was happy because they would finally see the King to make sure that he was alright.

A confused Sarah whispered and asked, "How can the King attend the meeting if he's not even in the kingdom."

He smiled just smiled before saying, "Just follow my lead."

Later that day the councilors came to the headquarters to start the meeting along with Elijah as he too was apart of the councillors.

"Where is the King?" Asked one of the councillors. Elijah stood up silently and exited the room. As soon as the door was closed, all the council members began talking and discussing what was going on.

Once again, the doors were opened, and all the council members stood up, expecting it to be King John but to their surprise it was just a strange woman. Sarah came and sat in the King's chair.

Everybody was left dumbstruck as Elijah casually sat in his chair awaiting the other members to do the same. The councilors refused saying that Sarah was nothing but an outsider and she had no right being in the King's chair much less their private meeting.

"This is crazy!" Screeched one of the councilors.

"The king told her to sit in for him until he was in the mood to come out of his room," Elijah stated calmly.

"This is preposterous!" One said before getting up heading to the King's chambers while the other followed but Sarah and Elijah stayed in their seats.

When the councilors got to the King's door their were two guards standing in front of it and the councilors demanded them to move aside and let them pass.

The Guards glared at the old councillors before one gruffly spoke, "By order of the king, anyone who disturbs him and refuse to follow his rules should be put to death by the command of Sarah or Elijah. So I dare you to try that again." He said annoyed.

With fear for their lives, they went back into the meeting room and sat down cold, not saying a word. The commander looked at them in amusement.

"Oh? Is the king not coming ?" He mocked and the mouthy councillor gulped.

"Uh, Let's begin the meeting shall we?" He nodded shakily to his fellow members and they all mimicked his movements before they begun.


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