Chapter 9

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Bambayho was completely destroyed. Lifeless bodies were seen scattered far and wide and everything was gone. Hanna, John, Timothy, Serena and Thomas managed to get away all thanks to the sacrifice of lord Bambayho and Vance.

Could lord Bambayho and Vance still be alive?it was unclear to them but their only option now was to keep moving and fast before the witch came after them.


Back at the kingdom, the commander and Sarah were getting close, too close at that. They were always seen together and finishing each other's sentences. It was clear to everyone that something was going on between them that's if it wasn't happening already. Sarah was falling in love with Elijah. While he was gazing down at her, she leaned forward and pecked his lips. He hesitantly pulled away and smiled at her as he didn't take to that kiss all too well. He knew he had no time for that kind of things, he had a kingdom to run while the King was away and people to protect. He felt like she would be a distraction and he was right. That night she came into his room as he slept and took all her clothes off. He'd awaken from his sleep in shock and had asked her what she was doing.

She had whispered, "I want to have you inside of me and I won't take no for an answer, I know you want me too." Bluntly. He was shocked and unintentionally he yelled at her.

"Leave! Get out right now!" 

She started to cry as she picked up her clothes from the ground and walked quickly towards the door disappointed and broken by rejection. That's when Elijah realized something. Before him for the first time, a young woman that was strong, brave and unstoppable was now gentle soft and vulnerable. It wasn't weakness, it was her opening up and breaking down her walls for him to see the real her. He grunted, sprung out of bed and grabbed her by the hand. she gasped and he used that opportunity to latch his mouth to hers.

She moaned against him as he groped her ass and pressed her body against his in needy desperation. He pulled away from her and flung her onto the bed, staring down at her with hungry eyes and her chest rose and fell, sucking air into her lungs desperately. The kiss had gotten her soaked and throbbing and he hurriedly pulled his silk shirt and underpants off before hovering over her little body. He slid a hand down her stomach and caressed the little trimmed hair on your private. She hummed, her closed and nipples hardened by his touch.

He allowed his middle and index finger to travel down her wet slit and caressed her clit before he gently pushed one into her. She gasped and her hands clenched the duvets. He began to work his hands on her and watched how she came undone in his hands.

"Mmm, you're so beautiful." He hummed to her and she blushed as his eyes traveled down her naked body.

"So are you.." her eyes fell down his lean body to where his hard on was twitching. "I need you inside of me." She whispered and he wasted know time to fulfill her request, for the rest of the night he made love to her, weakening her knees and eventually they both passed out, drained from the experience and laid in each others arms.


The next morning, Elijah was awoken to the sound of birds chirping and a big smile played it way onto his face recalling the night before. As he got up and looked down at Sarah, his eyes widened as blood flooded below her and onto his sheets. She was motionless and his heart rate sped up.  He looked at her, hotties and he ran out while putting his clothes calling, shouting out for the guards.

For sure she was dead?? But how?! He thought. Who?! Why!? Goodness he hoped this was not going to be an Isabella part two.

Every negative thought ran to his mind at once. He felt as if his head was about to explode. He saw a few guards running coming to his call and so he ran back guiding them to his room and the guards followed immediately. When he went back into his room he was even more shocked than before, Sarah was indeed alive and well but the panicked shouting of Elijah woke her up and as she was putting her clothes the soldiers came rushing in. Elijah hurriedly stopped them at the door but they had already seen her nakedness.

"If anyone is to speak of this, they will be in big trouble. Do you understand me?" He said sternly and they all nodded. "Thank you, you're dismissed." He closed the door behind them and sighed. He was well respected and feared so without saying a word they left he needed no one to mock him.

Elijah's eyes fell to her amused ones. He was stunned, actually confused.

"But the blood?! I thought you were dead.." he placed his head in his palms."

She smiled at him, "Wasted an entire thought, my love. You were my first. So that's why there's blood on the sheets. Haven't you ever deflowered a woman before?" She asked after explaining.

He was shocked that she didn't tell him that she was a virgin because where he came from it was right to get married before having sex. He thought her homeland was the same as well.

"Yes but, we'll probably die here anyways." She shrugged. "Don't worry about any attachments." She said but before he could have even responded, the kingdom bells went off. It was clear that they had no time to finish that conversation so he ran to the gates to see what was happening and she followed after getting fully dressed.

Five unknown people on horses were approaching the gates, they all looked hurt and injured. Elijah looked on closer and both surprise and relief coated him.

The king was back.

He ordered the soldiers to open the gates but the councilors also came to see what was happening and upon inspection of five strange people they advised Elijah not to open the gates because the people could be witches or any of the many enemies John had made over the pass few months. Elijah only rolled his eyes at the old geezers. He knew all of them and seeing the pregnant woman erased all bad thoughts. John seemed to be  hurt so he had no time to explain. Elijah ordered the men to open the gate and the let them in. As they went to meet them, the councilors all followed to see the visitors and even a few people from around the kingdom along with the soldiers that are always on the grounds were present.

John fell off his horse and onto the ground and just then the hood that was covering his head was off. Everyone stood in shock for the all they assumed was that John was in his castle but a few of the councilors wasn't surprised bec they knew something wasn't right all along.

Soldiers ran to the King and picked him up as the councilors whispered among themselves about the situation at hand. Serena jumped off her horse and ran up behind John. Timothy and Thomas helped  Hanna down and when they too removed their hoods everyone was shocked and started shouting bad things to each of them. Timothy was call a beast, while Hanna was called a killer and Thomas a fool. People even started picking up things to pelt but before they even start Thomas Begun turning into a dragon and stood protectively in front of Hanna, he was still weak from the fight with the beast but these fools were no match for him. When they saw him transforming they all grew quiet while some ran away in fear.

"We'll be having a word with you," snarled one of the councillors because he was lying to them and worse, letting the King leave without proper protection.... the King was hurt and everyone was worried about him. Some though didn't feel the same sympathy. They were talking about instead getting rid of his majesty.

Timothy, Thomas and Hanna all cleaned up and rested for a few days, which was enough but after some time, it was time to get serious and come up with a plan and fast because they all knew a darkness was coming and soon.

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