Chapter 15

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The witch's men came to her and told her that all the bodies were too burnt to be identified and that maybe the stone was destroyed in the fire.

The witch got angry, "That's impossible! The stones were made from magic and it couldn't be destroyed!!" Her body shook with anger. "FIND THEM!!" She couldn't so easily lose two of the stones. The soldiers bowed quickly in fear before returning.

Amaiah and her men started there journey back to the North while Sarafina was locked up in a cage like an animal.

For some reason Amaiah was being nice to her. Amaiah made sure sarafina was fed back on their Journey and was well. She even allowed her to come out of her cage from time to time, but sarafina was not buying that good girl act at all.


Hanna, The others and some commoners, who survived all kept moving fearful that they were being tracked.


The lifeless bodies of Thomas and Timothy were floating on the water, going down stream and was fished out the water by a beautiful young woman, who had long, silky blonde hair and her two body guards on horses. She looked onto the pale bodies of Thomas and Timothy, use her magic to pull up all of the water they had consumed from their bodies and had their clothes changed into fresh ones, before restoring their lives.

Timothy woke up shaking and looked at the strange woman in shock. Besides hun laid a motionless Thomas, which began to worry him more.

"Who are you?? How did you—?? What about him? Please!" Timothy's words were a mixed of gibberish and the woman nodded in understanding.

"He's not dead.." she said softly stunning Timothy, her voice was so quiet yet loud enough to hear. It was a clear whisper. The same voice he was hearing when he was trapped in the darkness and cold to his core.

True the her words, Thomas awoke moments later.

'But who was this woman who saved them??"they wondered.

Tim looked at her as she moved her hair from her face. He was shocked to see her face she wasn't human, neither was her men. She was a se-er and a beautiful one at that. Not much people about them because weren't the kind of people to get out or allow people into their homeland.

She took them to her home which was hidden far away from humanity and witches and dragons. She fed them and they rested for a while but soon they would have to be on there way for Hanna and the others where in much danger.

"I understand that you are in a rush to leave, but you have not properly healed yet. Stay so that you can completely heal." She suggested and hesitantly they obeyed.


The witch's men came up empty handed and for that she killed them to set an example to the others.

Amaiah and her men were attracted by rebels and Sarafina was freed. Karma took its course as Amaiah was put into the same cage that they had sarafina in.

Hanna and her friends came across a great

A great roar was heard in the sky. It was coming in fast over the clouds. They saw large dragon, it was unlike anything they have seen. The great dragon landed a few yards away from the tent and began approaching it. Everyone was ready to fight and defend but there was a problem. The dragon wasn't the only one. They were more of them landing a few yards away from the tents.

The baby was finally out of her mother's womb. It was a beautiful baby girl, but Before they could take time to properly inspect the child, Josephine yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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