Chapter 5

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                             As King John and Elijah saw the ships retreating they sighed in relief, guilt had set into John's heart as he saw Thomas fly into the sky, the intense emotions radiating of from him made it known to John that he was upset. The villagers and everyone else belonging to the kingdom came out and cheered on, they were now free from the wrath of the South. John gathered all his people together.

"Gather around everyone!" John ordered his people. Whispers broke out within the large body of people. Many were shocked at the fact that he was alive. "I know what you're thinking, how am I alive? Well I'll tell you how!" John smiled brightly. "This man right here!" John said happily as he motioned his hand to the commander, Elijah. Elijah smiled in appreciation.

"We need to work together as a real Kingdom! No one- and I mean no one is going to come and destroy our kingdom!" He exasperated, motivating his people. "I know we've lost some people today-" his head was now lowered in grief and the crowd went silent. "-but we will not let their sacrifices go to waste. It is also because of the ones we lost in this battle that we're alive and speaking in this moment. To whomever lost their fathers and brother today just remember that we will honour them from now on!" He exasperated again and the crowd erupted in applauds and they all began to chant, happily. Once again.. The kingdom was safe.

Rumours began to spread about the king being alive and well. Everyone who had ran away began to return home to the East again and were welcomed back. The numbers began to rise again, they were rebuilding and the kingdom started to look the same way it use to. Everything was going back to normal. Everyone was feeling lively again. Everything was finally coming together.


Miles away from the East kingdom and far pass the forestry hidden was the house of bambhayo, a small Kingdom like place where Tim made home after creating a granting the ruler everlasting life with just the taste of his blood. Timothy found the place when he had been exiled from the East Kingdom and it is also the place he took his sister, Hanna so that she could stay safe and protected. No one knew her background or who she really was there and he intended on keeping it that way. Hanna was welcomed by the ruler and his family, she was also immediately loved by the villagers due to her rare beauty and because she was kind and humbled. Even though she could have easily made close friends, she didn't nor could she, so she stayed to herself.


Back in the East Kingdom, the villagers were coming together perfectly well in repairing the houses and public memorable structures. It seemed as if everything was going back to normal, but John knew. He knew that the South kingdom was only the beginning. He could feel something, something menacing. Something dangerous was coming and he had to prepare himself and most of all his kingdom for it.

The north kingdom was yet to come as well. They too made their threats, and knowing their Queen she'd make sure it was followed out accurately. John gathered the men he knew were capable of fighting, his very own army had to be restored. He assembled everyone outside on the training grounds and as he looked upon all of them he could tell that he still had a capable army to protect his kingdom but nothing close enough to defeat the north kingdom. Cursing himself, he sent some messengers with requests of assistance to other kingdoms and houses.

He needed to recruit men to join his army and protect his kingdom, not just his kingdom but to everyone, every lord and every house needed each others protection against the North Kingdom. They were bullies, they wanted everything for themselves, that stingy Queen wanted to rule over everyone!

"No more hiding!" John concluded.


Soldiers from the lords house--Smaller kingdoms-- came by the 100s and 300s from near and far. Wanting to aid in the war against north. John seemed to have opened the eyes of these people. They came in the name of their emperors who sent their sons to lead the army's they provided.

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