Chapter 11

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Thomas knew they would need the help of Angelina, the witch he had left on the mountain top called the earth's peak, so he left to bring her back. They needed all the help they could get.

John had his men were on the look out for the witches and beasts for they could show up at any given time.

Serena and Sarah were on the grounds training every and anyone who was welling to fight.

Elijah was constructing a battle plan to help them win against the war that was yet to come. He had men day and night building and digging holes from under the ground.

Hanna was working on her powers for there were alot she still didn't know about and she did not want to just sit around and be useless.

Tim left and went into the forest bec he was the fastest of them so he would give them a heads up if he saw or heard anything coming there way.

Everything was falling into place and going according to their plan.


Sarafina and her men were in a small city gathering information about the whereabouts of Hanna (for they weren't aware that Hanna was already found and back at the kingdom) so she was still on the quest to find her and bring her back. Unfortunately, everybody she asked had no idea on where Hanna was but she stayed determined to locate her.

They came across a man that was willing to give information. She paid him his calling price to get the information she needed but all he told her was to go to the Old bar up the road.

"If there was anyone who knew where she was, it's that bartender." Sarafina was upset, she felt robbed, she wanted to stab the man but one of the soldiers stopped and they left for the bar up the road.

As they walked in there was  a sudden silence in the room and everybody stared at them. They were dressed odd compared to everybody else there, so they stood out. It was an uncomfortable situation but it had to be done. Angelina and two soldiers walked up to the bartender as the other situated themselves outside.

Sarafina approached him and asked, "So you are the guy with information right?" At the sound of that, everyone in the bar got up at once, their stance protective.

"Who's asking?" He asked while cleaning a shot glass. She chuckled placing some gold coins before them. He nodded his head to the men in a bar motioning and letting them know that it was all right.

He took the coins, "Who are you looking for?"he asked but as she began to explain to him there was a loud crash outside.

"Can I not catch a break?!" She hissed.

"That makes both of us." He said looking at the glass someone dropped in fright.

They were suddenly screams and they were sure something was going on outside so they all charged out to see Sarafina grabbing the bartender and taking him with her, swords in hand.

It was a witch. She sat upon a beast unlike anything they had ever seen and it was killing any and everything in their path.

The beast saw them and charge towards them and in defense they all fought back. The which is attention quickly went to Sarafina when she saw her easily cutting her sword through her children. Sarafina and the men were fighting alongside each other until the wood used her magic and wiped out all the men from beside her, crashing them into the shops nearby. The bartender hid behind Sarafina as he didn't know how to fight and Sarafina was not backing down.

A few of sarafina men came to her and told her to run but she refused.

" no man left behind!" she grunted swinging her blade into one of the beasts face, but it was clear that they were no match for them so running was the only option so they had. They jumped on their horses and booked it out of the town and into the forests, the bartender on Sarafina's horse clinging onto her for dear life. The beast followed  them killing soldiers off one by one until their were only Sarafina and two others left.

The beasts returned to the witch but when the witch saw that the beast didn't bring back the bodies she shouted, "FIND them!" The three of them ran back into the forest but Sarafina and the soldiers were long gone. still they trailed them. After riding for a few hours with no sign of the beasts they decided to rested for a few. It was going to be a long journey back to the East kingdom. After a few hours they began to move again and only stopped every few hours so the horses could get rest.


Thomas flew for two days straight in order to get to the earth's peak and once he got inside he asked Angelina to come with him. After a few days of hiding Angelina, he finally returned her back to the earth's peak where it was safe and protected.  She was all too happy to go, but first Thomas needed to rest for the long travel so he told her he'd take a few hours to get some rest before going back.

A little later Thomas was awaken by a naked Angelina but he wasn't surprised and feeling unloved by the woman he loved made it much more easier for him to give in. It was clear Hanna would never love him like he loved her.


Back at the East kingdom it was quite, too quiet. Everybody was at the edge, wondering when the witches would show up to attack. Some were scared while some were just hopeful that they won't have to fight. Sarah went to the Elijah telling him he needs a break but he refused.

"There's no time for that."

She looked into his eyes while holding his face with her two hands, " I understand but goodness look at you. You're exhausted and you need to rest we will win this!" He give into her and they went to his room. She showered him and vice versa. One thing led to another and got a bit carried away. Their flesh rubbed against each other as they made love in the bathroom and even after they left the shower, they made love in his bed before they fell asleep.

John was outside looking up at the stars and missing his father. He was lost in thought until a slim hand rested it's hand on his shoulder, it was Hanna.

"I know you miss your parents, as do I..." her eyes glistened with tears. "I know how you feel but one day I pray that you can be happy again." I'm such vulnerable moment, she tried to kiss him but he pushed her away.

"What is wrong with you?!" He asked horrified. "You are carry another man's child, yet you're trying to seduce me?! Disgusting!" He yelled. She ran out in shame but just then Serena walked in.

"Is everything okay?" She had seen Hanna running out the room crying and felt pity for the young girl.

"I'm fine." He muttered without even looking around.

She hummed in acknowledgment before walking over and sitting besides him without saying a word. They just sat in complete silence gazing at the stars and after some time she rested her head on his shoulder.

Pure bloods (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora