Chapter 12

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Day light was upon the kingdom once again and everyone found themselves entangled in human desire. The commander, Elijah, was up early that morning and back on what he knew best, commanding/ giving orders, as Sarah rested in his bed fast asleep from a night of wonderful and wild love making. John as well had found himself laid up in bed with the beautiful warrior Goddess Serena, but it was unclear what had happened truly the night before. He got up slowly as to not wake Serena and went to the window where he could see the entire kingdom and stayed their for the rest of the morning.


Back in the forest Sarafina and the two men were up early and began preparing to move back to the East Kingdom, but just then they heard a sound of something loud and heavy running in their direction. Having a bad feeling, they mounted their horses and booked it! They were being hunted by beasts. They knew they had to out run them or else they'd die. They rode for hours making their horses very tired but stopping wasn't an option, for the beasts weren't giving up and were getting closer and closer. Tim spend days in the forest feeding off of wolves.

He had to feed and with his undeniable hatred towards wolves, it made the hunt much more sweet. Tim of course had great powers, one of them being heightened sense of hearing. In the distance he heard horses running towards his side of the forest,seemingly heading to the East kingdom, but the vibe was off.

"They are catching up to us.." He heard the slight fear in a woman's voice.

They were scared, he heard more rustling and loud heavy running a wee distance behind. Something familiar...he they were beasts coming and he had to stop them before they got to the kingdom. He hurriedly dropped the corpse and ran into the direction they were coming from. Sarafina and the two men were coming close to the kingdom but they still had a good distance away from coming out of the forest entirely. Suddenly one of the horses collapse, tired, tripping Sarafina's last soldier left.

"We gotta help him!" Screeched the bartender. They hurriedly came off of their horse and tried to help the horse off of the soldiers legs but suddenly they heard a loud growl.

The beasts.

Finally the beasts caught up to them after trailing them for some time, but this time the beasts circled them to ensure none of them escaped this time. Sarafina and the bartender stood frozen in fear and suddenly one of the beast pounced towards her. It's large mouth opened displaying his sharp nasty teeth and slimy, smelly mouth. He aimed for her head but she was too scared to move. Before the beast came into contact with her though it's head was sliced clean off spewing blood onto them.

This knocked her out of the fear trance and she gasped. All the beasts turned their attention to Timothy. He had gotten there just in time. He smirked devilishly as the beasts who all snarled at him before attacking him all at once. His sword fell to the ground as beasts were attacking from his left and right and all Sarafina and the bartender could do was look on helplessly in absolute wonder.

Tim was dodging each and every one of them, moving miraculously speed and slicing his long nails through their skins.

"What are you waiting for?! Get out of here!" He yelled at them.

How could they just leave when he was actually sacrificing himself to save them. Timothy noticed the hesitation and rolled his eyes.

"Now is not the time! Run!" Timothy growls baring his fangs and they hurriedly helped the soldier up on the horses before booking it the hell out of there.  

The beasts noticed this and two separated themselves from Timothy and hunted Sarafina and her company down. Timothy growled, he had to move fast before those beasts caught up to them. He grabbed the last beasts and with all the rage within him he held its mouth opening it wide until it broke apart by its jaws. His heart skipped in excitement by the beasts helpless cry before he threw it to the ground and followed the beasts that were following the little lady.

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