Chapter 10

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The councillors all gathered at the councilor headquarters awaiting the King but were sent away by Him. That made them even more angry at him since he had already brought insiders into a place of security. John, Thomas, Timothy, Elijah, Hanna and the two sisters (Sarah and Serena) all gathered in the councilors headquarters to come up with a plan to deal with the problem at hand, but first they had to put there problem aside and agree to work together as one. Now that was beyond difficult for them for everyone had something against someone but everyone of them had something against the king, all except for the three women and Elijah.

Tim was mad at John for being ungrateful and for sending him away after he saved his kingdom and for his parents death. He was angry at him for putting Hanna in danger with the dragon king. A man she didn't even know.

Hanna was mad at John for not marring her when he had the chance.

Thomas was mad at John for lying to him about Hanna's whereabouts and for keeping her from him but also mad at Timothy for killing his father.

Thomas wanted to take Hanna and run so that he could keep her safe and all to himself and Tim knew it. He knew Timothy would've never let that happen.

Timothy also wanted to take Hanna and continue hiding for he said she was safe until Thomas and John came looking for her.

As they were all bickering. Elijah and the two sisters were confused as to what they were all talking about, but they stood silent with a weird look on their faces.

John's main priority was to protect his kingdom but he knew he couldn't do that without their help. To them he was coming off selfish until he told them about the thousands of women and children that would die in his kingdom if he couldn't protect it.

"That's your problem!" Growled Timothy.

The bickering continued for a long while and Hanna listened to everyone speak on what she should and shouldn't do, where she should and shouldn't go and who she should or shouldn't go with. Her head was pounding and she felt as if she wanted to faint.

"SHUT UP!" She yelled and the room became quiet for a full min before she spoke up again telling them off one by one.

Thomas was the first to get her wrath, "I don't need your protection! Nor your families help to take care of my child. We were just fine without you and we'll be just fine! So the next time I decide to leave never come looking for me again... and that goes for all of you!"

John was next in line she looked at him and said, "You're selfish and all you seem to care about is your kingdom like I mean nothing to you! My parents are the only reason you are alive today if it wasn't for them you would have been dead so the next time you decide to tell me about your freaking kingdom!! Remember you wouldn't have had a kingdom without us and if I can remember clearly, my brother also saved your ass when your mental commander tried to kill you and take your kingdom, or did you forget?!"

Hanna stared in anger at Serena, "So you are John's new bitch?! I see the way you look at him!" Sarah glared at Hanna.

"Maybe I should cut your tongue out!" Sarah growled. The room went silent and Hanna shook with rage. Before she could've even processed what she was doing, Sarah was being lifted into the air and was desperately scratching at her neck. Everyone was shocked because no one knew Hanna was a witch muchless had powers of her own but she did and now she knew how to use her powers after training herself for a while unknown to her brother.

"Hanna stop this!" They begged her to stop and she uncaringly dropped Sarah down.

"Do not mess with me!"

Serena flung a knife at Hanna but she only smiled, "you missed." She said smugly.

"Did I?" Asked Serena who smirked folding her arms looking behind her, when Hanna when Hanna turned around the knife was lodged into a painting of her face and in the middle of the painting right on top of hanna head was the knife.

Hanna was about to use her power powers again, but Thomas shouted at her to stop, and immediately, surprisingly she obeyed him.

Elijah broke the silence, "If we are going to defeat this evil that is coming we need to work together, it doesn't matter how far you run or hide, the evil that is coming is coming for all of us so wherever you run too the evil will find you. Then what? You'll have an argument with it?!" He was annoyed with their childishness. "Are you going to fight them one by one? What are your chances of living? We need a plan and we need one that we can all agree on or else we're dead ... all of us." He finished making his points clear.

Hanna looked at them all sighed, "I'm tired of running." And in that moment they all agreed that they were going to put aside their differences and work together.... for now.

They all gave their input on what to do next and stayed strictly to their plans.

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