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Recap: All of a sudden, both Elijah and Lucas is head snapped to the door behind commander, Elijah.

Shock filled Elijah's body and he stilled.

'How is this possible,' thought Elijah.

"You fucking bastard!!"

It was John, and man was he fucking pissed.



                 John's strides were fast and harsh. His attire was fit for a war and he looked ready to defeat them all on his own. Even in the midst of shock, Elijah fell to his knee in respect for his King. The remaining soldiers of the East, though in pain went to their knees in honour.

As, King John stood before Elijah he picked him up, appreciate graced his once angered features. His skin was the same vibrant, smooth skin they once were months ago. He was no longer burnt and you could not see his bones anymore. Elijah had never been so happy in his entire life before. Elijah placed his right hand against his left chest, above his heart and lightly dipped his head in honour.

John smiled at Elijah, grateful and they shared a brief hug.

"But... I don't understand," Elijah asked. Curiosity glimmering within his eyes.

John sighed, "The witch brought me back."

Elijah looked surprised. The witch really did it. The commander ran behind the large stone where he buried the witch in the bottle under the confines of the sand. He quickly ran back to the king and handed the bottle to him.

All of a sudden a awkward, forceful cough caught their attention.

"I'm still here you fucking assholes!" He shouted ready to charge forward.

John and Elijah looked at him, completely uninterested.

"We know," Said John nonchalantly as he accepted the bottle from Elijah. Prince Lucas growled in anger but the sound of glass cut it off. One of the members of the East kingdom slammed a thick glass bottle against his head, bursting it and knocking him out cold.

"Well that was easy.." Said Elijah scratching the back of his head. King John sighed and began walking away into the kingdom. "Tie him up with the chains and put him into the secluded dungeon on the other side of the kingdom. He order the soldiers that stumbled up to their feet.

He paused remembering the secrets his late wife explained to him about the kingdom and swore beneath his breath, " Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Elijah was now startled, "what's wrong your majesty?!" He's also a dragon, the blood runs in the family. Don't chains won't hold him for long. He'll destroy us when he wakes up!" John began to fast walk into the castle.

"What are you going to do now, My King?" Asked Commander Elijah hurriedly, trying to keep up with King John.

"To King Thomas, I have a plan!"


As King John and the Commander entered the dungeon, John looked horrified at the condition of King Thomas. He laid flat on his front on the dirty, floor. His once white shirt was now torn and the same black, dingy colour of the floor. His once cream dress pants was also in the same condition. Thomas's hair had grown out, messy and unkempt as the ones on his face.

He looked... Skinnier. John cursed beneath his breath. He hope Thomas will still accept his offer. He walked up to the grills on the dungeon, the reeking smell coming from Thomas made him step back. Oh, this was bad... This was so fucking bad!

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