Return of the King

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Sukru was waiting to greet Omer when the ambulance pulled up in front of the house, the shutters had been lifted, the house sale cancelled, and the fridge fully stocked. The master had returned.

Sukru stood back as the Ambulance Technicians wheeled Omer through the front door and then helped to lift him to the second floor of the townhouse, his leg prone in front of him. Iz followed them inside silently while Sukru set about unloading the small amount of luggage from the car.

Once the technicians had installed the traction equipment in Omer's room they handed over the folder containing his medical care plans and schedule.  There would be physiotherapy and Doctor visits over the next month or two. Iz stood back and watched as Omer struggled into a clean shirt left on the bed, presumably be Sukru.

"You should have stayed in Rome. What are you expecting to achieve here, locked up in your bedroom?"

"I'm going to take the time to think."


The shirt finally in place and an exhausted Omer comfortable on the bed, he threw her an annoyed glance. "About how I am going to fix this mess, how I'm going to get Defne to forgive me, her whole family to forgive me."

"And Passionis? What about Sinan?"

Omer sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Yes... I need to think about that too. I abandoned Sinan, we've been in touch through an intermediary, but I need to put that right soon. We can't go on like this."

She sighed and closed her eyes, nodding. "Yes, you do.... and I'll help you. I'll stay to help you until you are back on your feet, I have some leave available, and I can work remotely from here for a while."

Omer gave her a tired smile causing her to frown. "You're in pain huh? Let me go and get the painkillers, you are past due anyway. What about food?  Should I order something?"

"The painkillers sound great, but no food for me. Order yourself something, or check the fridge. Sukru arranged everything." She gave him a tight smile and nodded before heading to the bedroom door. "Iz?"

Turning she waited. "Yes?"

"Thank you. I know this isn't an easy situation for you, given how we left things. But I appreciate you being here."

"You're welcome, always. I'll be right back."

Omer closed his eyes and thought back to the last time he and Defne had shared this bed, it was the day before the wedding. She'd shown up at his door, looking as beautiful as always and he'd been unable to restrain himself, he'd pulled her inside, closed the door behind her and all but dragged her by the hand up the stairs to his bedroom. They had made love slowly, joyfully, knowing that the next time they would lie in each other's arms that it would be as husband and wife. Only that time never came, when he should have been whispering words of love into his wife's ears, instead he'd been spitting accusations and words of anger. When he should have been watching her face as she reached her ecstasy, he'd instead closed his eyes to her tears.

He had to have that chance again. If he lost her and their future he was certain there'd be no reason to breathe any longer. There was no Omer without Defne any more.

Across town...

Defne certainly felt a little more energised after a couple of bowls of Grandma's soup with bread. She was sure her new found determination to get back on her feet had also had an effect on her energy. Baby Iso's cuddles had had an uplifting effect, and Defne could see that Nihan was grateful for an hour of respite. But despite her determination she couldn't stop her thoughts from returning to Omer lying in his hospital bed, pale and unconscious, but still beautiful. She remembered the warmth of his hand beneath hers, how she'd cried as soon as she had been able to touch him again, how her heart had pounded from that small innocent contact. She wondered if he was okay, had he woken up? Was Eda with him now, loving him and taking care of him?

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