Bridges... those mended and burned

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Sinan watched his partner and best friend nervously from his chair near the bed as Iz helped Omer into an upright position, plumping the pillows behind him. Omer nodded at Iz, silently asking her to give them some space to talk things through. Squeezing his shoulder she smiled at them both.

"I'll bring up some coffee shortly."

"Thanks Iz."

Sinan forced a smile, but Iz could see the strain on his face. Leaving the room she closed the door behind her. Giving the two friends the privacy they needed to unravel their mess.

"It's good to see you Sinan."

"You too. I was a little surprised to hear from you, I won't lie. After everything that happened... I just thought... I mean."

"It's okay Sinan. Don't make yourself uncomfortable. I mean... I was angry, with you, Defne... everyone. But now.... I can see why no one could tell me."

"I wanted to. I wanted to tell you, not just for your sake but for Defne's too. She was constantly under pressure, she wanted to tell you herself, earlier... but I stopped her. So did Necmi... maybe if we had told you then, you would have broken with Defne completely... and I didn't want that either. What you and Defne had, it was real Omer, everyone could see it.. you felt the kind of love that most people go through their entire lives without finding. I wanted that for you Omer, but we all knew that you'd need to find out the truth eventually." Sinan sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Just.. I hope that whatever you've concluded in your mind, that you don't think that Defne wasn't in love with you. She was, and it tore her apart."

Omer closed his eyes and reached across to pat his friend's shoulder.

"I know she loved me Sinan. I've never been as certain of anything in my life as I am of Defne and what we felt."

"Good. Im glad, that if nothing else, you know that it wasn't one-sided on your part." Sinan allowed himself to relax slightly,knowing that if he wasn't fully forgiven yet, that they were on that road. "So you're back? You'll come back to work?"

Omer pointed at his leg and shrugged. "That might take some time Sinan. But as soon as I'm not bed bound, yes, I'll be back."

"I've not even asked..."

"I'm fine Sinan. Honestly. It was nothing. I might actually be able to let you win a basketball game now..."

Sinan laughed and leaned across to pull his friend into a hug. "I've missed you man."

"Me too Sinan, me too.... So? How are things at the office?"

Sinan sat back and gave Omer a serious glance. "Not good, the shop has sunk our finances, we need to come up with a plan and fast, I don't know if we can survive more than another 6 months if we continue on without a strategy."

"Okay. My leg is broken, not my brain. Get the numbers together and bring them over, we can work here, think of something."

"Yeah... and Iz is here too, maybe we can employ her while she's helping you?"

Omer nodded. "Good idea. She'd be a great help."

Smiling tightly Sinan looked at his hands. "What is it Sinan?"

"Defne... what are your plans there?"

"Exactly what they were before I left."

"Excuse me?"

"I shouldn't have left Sinan. I shouldn't have thrown it all away over one mistake... if she couldn't tell me, if she was so scared of losing me... thats my fault. I want Defne back, and l'll do everything in my power to make that happen. Defne is mine, we belong together, I just need to convince her of that again."

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