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I've still not made my move yet. 11 more days and I'll be in my new house, waiting for the internet to get installed 7 days later :( However, it's been a long time since I posted anything so thought I would churn out a chapter quickly. 

Also - for anyone that hasn't heard, Elcin Sangu is in a new drama coming soon. Looks to be a romantic drama, it's called Cop Adam. Should be coming out shortly, filming started in September I think. 

The exhibition hall was abuzz with laughter, excitement and the rush of designers attempting to finalise their shows. Making her way through the crowds Yasemin spotted Defne's red hair, the woman crouched down low, hemming the bottom of a dress to ensure that Passionis designs were properly displayed. 


Defne looked up, seeing Yasemin squeezing through a couple of models with an exasperated look on her face before she finally reached the younger woman. "Yasemin. You made it."

Yasemin huffed a sigh. "Don't even ask, the flight was cancelled, the traffic was a nightmare, and then trying to make my way through this mob... well..."

"You made it though."

"Where's Marco?" Yasemin scanned the crowd and Defne popped the last pin in the hem, smiling up at the model with a nod. 

"He went to deal with a tear... or something."

Yasemin turned back to her with a small smile. "You look amazing." Dropping her eyes, she reached for Defne's hand and lifted it, her brows lifting in surprise. "And you have news."

Blushing, she nodded, the smile creeping onto her face. "I'm getting married. We. We're getting married."

Yasemin pulled her into her arms, squeezing her friend tightly. "I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy that it finally worked out."

"Thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. For being there when I needed you."

Yasemin pulled back and lifted the hand back up for inspection. "Omer has good taste, there's no denying that."

"What does Omer have?" Both women whirled around to see Omer striding towards them, his arm slipping around Defne's waist, a small kiss pressed to her temple, eyes shining with the love and happiness that he felt. 

"I was saying that you have good taste. The ring is beautiful, Omer."

Omer smiled down at Defne proudly. "Not as beautiful as my fiancee."

Blushing, Defne coughed and shook her head at Yasemin. "So? Are we all set?"

"Yes. I just need to find Sinan, make sure that the programme is still on schedule and we should be good."

"He's backstage." Omer didn't take his eyes off of Defne as he spoke. 

Smiling knowingly, Yasemin squeezed Defne's hand and made her way to look for her ex. 

Spinning her into his arms, Omer clutched Defne closer, his nose nuzzling the sensitive skin behind her ear. "You've been neglecting me."

Pouting, she shook her head. "Don't say that, I've been busy."

"I'm joking. Though I can't wait for this to be over, so that I can whisk you back to the hotel and away from all these people."


"Really." His dark gaze burned into hers seriously. 

"I suppose I could get onboard with that."

Omer grinned, his eyes roaming from her fiery hair down her body, appreciating her fitted green dress, a reminder of the dress she wore the first time he'd proposed, the colour setting off her ring against her pale skin. Allowing his eyes to met hers again, he sighed happily. 

A Necessary JourneyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt