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Right, this is the end of this one. Time to wrap it up I think. Thanks for reading along with me. 

The weeks and months following their wedding had been incredible, Defne had never been happier or more secure. A part of her had always worried that moving in with Omer would cause him to bore of her quickly, but in fact, it seemed to have quite the opposite effect. Omer couldn't get enough of her, he'd often laughingly pull her up the stairs as soon as they arrived home from work, desperate for her arms and warmth and she'd allow him, enjoying the closeness that marriage had brought them. 

For Omer, he had his heart's desire. Defne filled the empty dark spaces inside of him that had lingered since the death of his parents, and the only sadness that he felt now was that she hadn't met either of them. His mother would have loved Defne, loved her rawness, her real personality, her beauty and the way that she loved him. She was the balm to his broken heart and he was healing with every day they spent together. The pain that they'd experienced, the hurt and separations, it had all been to get to this point. It had all been worth it. 

Lying with her in his arms, he stroked his fingers through her hair, eyes searching her face as she lay facing him. He was just so lucky, and he knew it, not everyone got to experience a love like theirs. 



"What do you think about kids?"

Defne stilled, breath held. "What do you mean?"

Omer bit his lip, he was nervous. Ever since he'd mistakenly thought that she was pregnant, the desire to have his child growing inside of her womb had become overwhelmingly urgent. He wanted this, more than anything, a family of his own. "I mean... when would you... uh..."

She smiled gently, a warm hand cupping his cheek. "You want to start a family?"

Omer let out a relieved sigh. "I want you to have everything that you want, and yes, of course I want a family with you. But only when you're ready, and only if you want. If you tell me you don't want children, I'll be disappointed, but I'll be okay with that, you're enough. This is enough." He took her hand and moved the palm to his mouth, pressing a gentle kiss there, while his eyes searched hers. 

"Omer, of course I want a family. I want a family with you."

He could sense a but coming. "But?"

Biting her lip, she took in a deep and nervous breath. "But..." His heart sank, he could feel her gathering her courage to let him down gently. "But, we've already started a family, Omer." Her bright eyes shone in the dim light of the room and she watched as his brows knit together in confusion. 

"You mean, you and I... you mean, we're a family?" Expression blank, she shook her head slowly. He watched in confusion, as a small smile spread across her mouth, his jaw falling slack as he looked down at the space between them. "Defne? Are you..?"

With tears in her eyes she smiled, nodding gently. "Yes."

Omer jumped back as though jolted by a shock of electricity. "You're pregnant?" This was completely unexpected.

Defne chuckled and swiped at her eyes as she nodded. "We're pregnant."

He shook his head and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her hair, his laughter vibrating against her cheek. "How long have you known? Why didn't you tell me?"

Pulling back, he cupped her face in his palms and she smiled at the joy that she could see in his eyes.  "I only found out today, I was trying to think of how to tell you, I was a little worried that you would think it was too soon."

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