Chapter 2 {Where did he go?} ❄️

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Slight gore warning

Looking around the room as you ran, your head running in circles going into different rooms. Kicking open a door that was cracked, forcefully opening it.

Opening it fully as you took breaths upsetted from hurting yourself. Fixing your glasses as you walked slowly down a hallway showing a little poster of a cat with a long toung. Looking straight ahead as you watched a blue arm slithered into a door, walking up to it quickly only to see nothing but darkness as another door was at the end of a hallway.

Moments passed in different rooms through different rooms. The place was getting colder, wishing you could of went back and find a generator to turn it on. Crawling through a pitch black vent as it leaded you to a 'Make a friend room ', looking at everything as you sat down on the hard dusty ground. Hugging yourself as you shivered from your body temperature that was falling, Paranoid not knowing where that giant doll went.

Closing your eyes as you felt something furry and soft lifted you up, slowly opening your eyes as you felt warm and comfortable. The same safe and secure feeling you had before.

Opening your eyes to see the same doll, but he was different. nothing but a monstrosity of teeth, smiling wide at you as you began to wake yourself kicking and pushing away to escape. Dropping you on the ground as you looked for your way out 'The vents' You thought quickly getting up and climbed into the Vents.

Feeling the creature as it grabbed your leg quickly opening it's mouth pulling you back forcefully. Kicking it's face hitting his sharp teeth as it lets you go, hearing a low growl and heard it climbed up on the wall as it slithers into another vent.

Trapped in a game of tag as you ran through the dark never ending vents, finding paths as you can hear it running from behind you. Tearing up falling into a bottom vent, quickly getting up as you rushed hearing it dropping down with you from behind.

You were running towards deaths door step, You wondered why back when your father worked here never wanted to bring you to this factory and somewhere along the lines you never believed in his 'lies' that eventually was true.

Keeps getting lost in a tunnel of paths as you we're more focused on escaping seeing the other side as you ran out quickly as it trapped the blue creature. Happy about escaping as you used the grabpack getting ready to end him once in for all holding the box.

Banging and cries coming from the vents made your heart wrench a bit, trying to forget it as you pulled the box and watched the doll jumped out. Only to get crushed by the giant crate as the rails slammed apart, falling as you held on for support falling into another one hitting your head on the rough metal surface watching the doll slipped down slowly. looking at the creature as it cried, trying to hold on for it's dear life.

As it slipped hitting his head on a pipe causing it to become unconscious. you quickly grabbed him using the grabpack as you tried to pull it up watching as it's head began to bleed busting open. Pulling him up slowly as you used your arms for more support pulling him up carefully.

Laying it down as you noticed his eyes were looking at you lifelessly as a trail of blood drips on the floor. Feeling bad as you shivered and calmed down from what happened, you had a choice. Leave it here and continue, or take it home and leave.

It's too cold for you here


Waking up in a warm room as a dim light warmed him. Looking up seeing a seeing you as you gently pet it's fur becoming half unconscious. Giving him a bowl of warm chicken soup as you smiled at it, watching him sniff it and used it slithered out it's toung to drink a bit.

Putting alcohol gently on it's head as you heard a growl from it. Blowing on it's sting as you tried to bandage him up. Slowly trusting you a bit as you smiled "it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you"

Resting on your bed petting it's soft blue fur as you watched it enjoyed the soup. Scratching him a bit looking as his tooth that looked lose and wiggled while it lapped the chicken up "Sorry for kicking you back there." You frowned as the doll looked up at you with it's pure dilated eyes resting on a pillow. Petting it as it pulls a bit closer to you as you drift to sleep.


Moments of sleeping as you heard a loud chirping, thinking it was annoying birds until you opened your eyes to see the creature Infront of you as you see that he was tearing up from it's plastic eyes somehow. Suprised to see that this thing actually has emotions and not just a killer doll. Reaching your hand out to pet it as you smiled softly. " Hey dude, You had a nightmare or som-"


The feeling of needles in your arm as you screamed covering your mouth with your other hand trying not to alarm the neighbor's. Tearing up from the pain as the creature bit down on your arm. Blood ran down dripping on the white carpet as it pulls away, looking at your blood drooling as it wrapped it's rough sandpaper like toung around your arm, sipping every bit of your blood that ran down the punctured wound.

Laying back down as the light of the bright moon takes over the room, making him look more threatening. Petting him as you watched him bite into you more closer to your shoulder as you squeezed his head gently, breathing heavily, and sobbing. More blood drips as the pain became a numb feeling from feeling like on a stack of burning needles.

Closing your eyes as he rips a bit of your flesh as it peels down to your wrist seeing your veins as you closed your eyes from watching him chew it up leaving bit's of muscles and flesh on the floor licking your infected wrist collecting blood refusing to let go biting down as his teeth bit down hitting your radius. Trying to push away pressing your other hand on his forehead as you sobbed and yelled at him telling him to stop.

It was blood he was craving, panicked you a bit causing you to sit up snapping out of your trance. Running to the bathroom as you cleaned yourself up drowning your arm in alcohol and squeezed your hand creating a fist trying to ignore the burns as you sobbed.

Wrapping yourself up with bandages wiping your tear's as you walked back into your room. Looking at Huggy as he sleeps on your bed, laying down next to him as he wraps his fluffy arms around you. Discomfort, but yet you still cared about this thing deep in your heart. Hugging it back as you drifted back to sleep like hugging a breathing a teddy bear in bloody sheets.

( Don't bring rabid monkey's to your house kids)

It's Too Cold For You Here { Huggy Wuggy X Reader }Where stories live. Discover now