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I feel around the hat running my hand over various objects before landing on a weirdly textured sphere. I pull it out to see that it's a red ornament with green and gold details. "Good luck with Reindeer Games (y/n)." Tony says aloud before patting me on the back and giving me a slight push towards the closet.

I look up at the closet to see the Asgardian already there. I lay the ornament on my seat and walk over before closing the door and turning to face the beautiful god in front of me as I hear the lock click. Despite the decent amount of space it's quite hot in the small room. Not to mention the dim light from the dying light bulb in the ceiling.

"Do you want to sit? You seem a bit uncomfortable (y/n)." Loki offers a hand and gestures to the floor with a kind smile on her face.

"No, no, that's okay, I'm just a bit warm, that's all." I quickly exclaim, shaking my head and moving my bangs out of my face. They quickly back up against the wall, giving me as much space as they physically can, and whispering a small apology.

We stand in silence for a moment before she speaks up, "(y/n)? Do you have a preference? For how I present myself while we're in here I mean. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." I look up at them, taking in her beauty. Her long wavy raven hair, pretty emerald eyes and outfit. They're absolutely stunning.

"Even if I did have a preference, which I don't, asking you to change how you're presenting to make me comfortable, would be wrong." I sigh before leaning my head back, gazing up at the ceiling.

"So, you would be fine if I transformed to my more masculine presentation then? Because I don't feel comfortable at the moment."

Their voice is just barely above a whisper but I heard them clearly. Looking them in their eyes, I give a small smile and nod. This seems to please them as they change to their more masculine presentation. "Please use he and him now if you could." I nod again, taking in his appearance.

I've seen him present in many different ways, this presentation of him especially, yet something is different. I can't tell quite what though, maybe his hair is shorter? I'm not sure. I only realize that I'm staring when he chuckles softly, "It's my outfit, I altered it, made it less heavy. You were right when you said it is warm in here, and I'm not hot often."

"I beg to differ..." I mumble under my breath thinking he wouldn't hear me, I guess that was stupid of me though. I hear him laugh quietly before putting his extremely cold hands on my exposed shoulder and neck.

"You think so?" He looks me up and down before tilting my head up with his thumb, practically forcing me to make eye contact.

I can feel my entire body shiver despite the rising temperature of my body and face. I bite the edge of my lip as I try looking anywhere but him. Quickly he moves his hand up to my chin and lips, pressing his thumb on my lips to keep me from biting it while using his other fingers to keep my head locked in place.

I just know my face is a red as Tony's suit, "If you won't answer that, maybe you'll answer my next question." he murmurs mischievously. I look him in the eyes waiting for a question before he moves his hand back to a resting position on my neck and kisses me.

I don't feel any warmth coming off of him, I hesitate for a second too long and I feel him frown and start pulling back, probably to apoligize knowing him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down a bit more to my level and kiss him back harshly.

I can feel him gasp briefly before smiling into the kiss and snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our bodies are flush with each other other than our clothing, but I don't feel as hot as I did before. We pull away from the kiss briefly for air and I use this moment to not only take in his beautiful and almost goofy grin but to run my hands through his hair, looking at the braids on the sides that go towards the back.

"I lied, I do have one small preference." I laugh, mostly to myself before continuing. "This braid and small ponytail is really cute, though not great for... Never mind..." I trail off as I get slightly flustered and move my hands back to his nape. I can see in the dim light that he has a slight pink tint on his face along with his signature devilish smirk.

"What was that (y/n)? What aren't my braids great for?" he presses his body against mine as he backs me into the wall. Now I feel hot again, like every part of my body is on fire. I try to say something but can't even get a word out, I just give up as he leans his head against mine, making sure to keep our lips seperated, but just barely.

"Speechless. The wonderful (y/n) who is known for making smartass remarks and sassy comebacks that rival Stark himself, is speechless." He laughs to himself, knowing I can hear and feel every word he says. 'If I weren't so... bothered right now I would make a snarky remark you ass.'

His smirk only grows bigger after that, stupid fucking mind reading magic. He grinds against me, letting only a small groan out of his lips while I turn my head to the side and try holding back my own groans of pleasure.

Before anything else can happen we hear the timer go off outside and Tony come to unlock the closet. I try separating from the handsome god before Tony opens the door but Loki just kisses me harshly, accidentally hitting my head against the wall causing me to wince.

"Woah now, don't get too rough you two." Tony laughs and steps back allowing us room to leave. Loki lays my head on his neck, teleporting us over to my previous spot on the sofa. He sits down carefully moving me onto his lap, handing me the ornament to fidget with.

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