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As I reach around in the bag I feel a metal ring of some sort so I pull it out and it's an arrow ring that is made of gold. I look up at Tony with a very confused look, "Come on really? How do you not get that, it's an arrow! Ugh..Clint, buddy, you're up!" Tony says in an annoyed voice before practically dragging me into the closet with Clint.

I see the door close and lock as Clint helps me up into a sitting position. "Sooo.... what d—"

"Don't Clint. I know how this game works, I know how you are, and I know what you wanna do." I lean my head against the wall and huff. "You don't like me. So don't try an—"

"According to who?" I look at him confused and slightly annoyed. "You just assumed that I don't like you, I never said that, because believe it or not I'm not an actual asshole who lies and just wants to fuck." He looks upset, rightfully so... I did just assume shit. Well I guess I fucked this up. Just like everything else. He looks me in the eye and I can tell that I really hurt his feelings.

"...I'm sorry Clint. That was really rude. I forget sometimes what all is a joke and what isn't." I back myself up and into the corner so I'm as far away from him as I can be right now. In the corner of my eye I see him wipe away a tear and look at me up and down repeatedly, probably trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

"I forgive you, you don't need to move away into the corner like that," he looks at the ground and leans against the door. I only move more into the wall so to speak, I've learned better than to trust 'oh you don't need to do this thing or that thing, I'm not mad'. I wish I could bring myself to trust his words, I wanna do so many things, but... I don't wanna get hurt.

I think he senses that I'm scared and it doesn't take long to figure out why. "Do you wanna talk about it? I know I'm not the most gentle person when it comes to this stuff, but I can try." He looks worried and concerned. I shake my head no, I would rather jump off a cliff than talk about him.

"Okay, that's alright, do you wanna talk about anything else? Or like, play music or something?" He pulls out his earbuds slowly reaching out to me with them in hand. I grab them slowly, trying not to touch him on accident.

I pull out my phone and open Spotify, plugging in the earbuds, "Thank you...I appreciate it." I pop one of the earbuds in and turn on 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' and instantly start to relax.

I rest my eyes as I hum the song quietly. "Can I listen too?" I barely hear him, I guess the music is kinda loud. I nod and I can feel him move over to my wall and sit next to me though still giving me some space. I open my eyes to hand him the other earbud, and I see him put it into his ear that doesn't have a hearing aid before I lay my hand on the ground and close my eyes again.

We both hum along to the tune, though the song is almost over. As the next song fades in I start dosing off, I can faintly hear Clint say something though I couldn't quite tell what. Before I can pass out though he lightly kisses the top of my head and holds my hand.

I wake up laying on Clint's lap, we're back in the living room and it's dark out. Most of the group has left, they probably finished playing a while ago. Natasha, Wanda, Loki, and Bruce are still on the couch watching the fourth Harry Potter movie. Wait, fourth?! "What time is it?" I ask groggily, my voice hoarse.

Wanda jumps, not realizing I was awake, "Holy shit! You scared the crap out of me (y/n)." Nat and Bruce laugh before I hear an answer from behind me.

"It's roughly three in the morning." Clint says, it sounds like he was asleep as well.

"Oh, I missed the rest of the game..." I sigh before laying my head back again.

"That's okay, we can summarize what all happened while you were out, you gotta watch the rest of the movies with us though." Wanda says before popping some popcorn in her mouth. Loki then snatches the bowl from her and pops a whole handul in their mouth

"Deal! You can't judge me when I cry at the death o—" Clint covers my mouth with his hand.

"I haven't watched all of the movies yet. Nor has Loki or Wanda. Shush." I lick his hand so he moves it "EW!" he wipes his hand off on his shirt as I sit up next to him.

"Alright, spill."

7 minutes! Avengers x GN!ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora