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I look at the ceiling, annoyed and tired while I roll different items in my hands, figuring out what I wanna grab. I grab a small gold ring out of the hat, it has diamonds set into it all the way around, but it's way too small. "Aye where the hell did you get that? I've been looking for it for weeks!" I turn my head to see the striped fluffy raccoon named Rocket with an angry scowl on his face.

"A magician never reveals his secrets, I have been planning this for weeks. Though I mostly put it in there as a joke, you can go ahead and draw again (y/n)." Tony laughs with a silly smirk on his face as he gestures towards the hat. Rocket looks hurt before angrily stomping towards me and snatching the ring out of my hands.

He looks in my eyes briefly with a look of hopelessness and sadness before turning around to leave. I hear Tony chuckling and I glare at him before getting up and swiftly walking towards the closet. When I sit down I make sure Tony can see the look on my face, that he can see that I am not upset. I'm angry. By now almost everyone is looking at us, they basically all have a mix of concern and shock, and a few of understanding.

"Calm down (y/n). He was ju-"

"Just makin a joke? Do you find makin jokes about shit people can't control funny? Jokes about abuse?" I turn to Clint, I was sure he could feel my rage through my glare. "So don't go defendin him." Clint quickly shuts his mouth and sits back down.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" I turn to Rocket. He looks at me in disbelief and confusion. He looks me in the eye as he walks towards me, tilting his head down as he gets closer before stopping a foot away. "Defending me is only gonna get you hurt. They're just gonna think you're a freak... like me." he whispers while trying to hold back tears.

Nat and Bucky look like they are seconds away from snapping Tony and Clint in half. Steve realizes this as well and immediately grabs the two assholes by the back of their shirts, picking them up from the couch and pushing them out the door towards the elevator. He also calls for everyone to leave, Nat and Bucky stay behind, and join Loki and Wanda on the couch to continue watching the movie.

This isn't the first time this has happened. Ever since he escaped he's heard these kinds of horrible comments. "They are wrong. I know what those people did to you, and it was horrible. No one, least of all you, deserves to go through that." I look up at him, my eyes burning and blurry. I can feel a few tears rolling down my face as I slowly reach my hands out towards his.

I can see him shaking, the fur under his eyes glistening with tears. He jerks his hands back slightly when they make contact with my own. I slowly grab his hands making sure to be careful so he doesn't freak out. Despite him being a foot and a half shorter than I am he seems taller than that for a moment, before he collapses into my arms that is, he feels like his height now.

Other than the tickle of fur on my arm when he has fallen asleep on me in the past I've never felt his fur. It's soft and surprisingly thick considering how thin they all look. "You are not a freak Rocket, and anyone who says otherwise, can speak to me. I'll make em wish they were never born, don't you worry." I hug him gently, making sure not to squeeze to hard. I can feel his whiskers on my neck and tears going down my shoulder and back, he's squeezing the life out of me.

"No one else can see me like this alright? I've got a reputation to uphold, and that's already been crumbled a bit." He whispers into my shirt before pulling back and looking at me again, with a small smile on his face this time. I chuckle and lift my hand to his face, carefully going behind his whiskers and rub the wet spots on his fur in an attempt to dry them.

"Of course, wouldn't want people to think you're soft now would we?" I smile and wipe away my own tears before kissing him on his cheek. "Don't you worry, this is between us. Well, and Nat, Bucky, Wanda, and Loki. Who are obviously listening and payin attention!" I raise my voice and slip into my full on country accent so they can all hear me loud and clear. One of them starts whistling and the rest just hum along like nothins goin on.

"Well, I don't think it's been 7 minutes per say, but I'd say we should get out of this closet, it's a bit small. Even if we are both short." He nods and climbs off of my lap and waits for me to get up. As he turns his back to me I heft him off the ground and sit him upon my shoulders, thankfully he's quite a lot lighter than I am as well.

"Woah hey! Abort! Abort! I did not sign up for this." I just laugh and walk to the door.

"Message me about whether the movie is any good or not later!" I call out to the group on the couch as I close the door and walk into the elevator, him still on my shoulders and pouting.

I used Rocket's Comic Height for this (4 feet tall) so that there isn't a huge height gap, that would be kinda difficult to write perspective for😅.

7 minutes! Avengers x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now