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I reach into the bag and at the very bottom I wrap my hand around a plastic toy. I bring it out of the bag and see that it's a toy of the winter soldier. I look up at Tony and give him a 'I am gonna kill you' glare, he then looks terrified and backs away from me. I get up and lunge at him, getting held back by Clint just in time to only let a single punch land.

Everyone looks either scared, concerned, or in a couple cases happy in regards to what I did. "Uh well. If you still wanna play, the closet is that way." Clint says shakily. I glare back at him before sighing and he drags me into the closet and I sit down criss-crossed. Bucky follows behind me and also sits down, as he closes the closet door.

"You didn't have to do that ya know," he says looking at me with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Yes, I did! I'm tired of him doing that shit, he knows that you didn't do that shit! You were mind controlled, and I don't like people making fun of the people I care about and love!" I angrily exclaim as I shuffle around pout.

"You... love me?" he asks shocked, but with a look of disbelief.

I look up at his beautiful eyes, "I didn't mean it that way I just meant like in general ya know..." I look away so he can't tell that I'm lying through my teeth as easily.

"Oh. Okay I misunderstood, sorry..." out of the corner of my eye I can see him fiddling with his fingers and zoning out.

We sit in silence for what feels like forever before he speaks up, "Do you like anyone? Like, actually like, as in romantically or otherwise." I just look at him, trying to figure out my response.

I feel my neck burn a little, "Yes." I keep it short, I don't wanna give anything away. I can't let him see through my walls.

"Oh. Okay, um is it someone that's out there? Like a part of the group?" He's obviously trying to just be friendly and have a conversation but it's getting slightly annoying. I am not good at lying.

"Not exactly. Please don't ask who it is or for hints. It doesn't matter." I say coldy as I lean back against the wall, resting my neck.

"Sorry, I understand." He looks down anxiously and starts picking at the skin on his fingers. I pay little attention and just try to rest until I hear him wince in pain.

My head jerks towards him, "What happened?" I look him up and down until I see his finger bleeding from a cut, some blood being on his metal hand as well.

"It's nothing, it's just a sma-" I pull his human hand towards me and pull out a band-aid from my pocket as well as some ointment.

I quickly wipe the cut clean with my sleeve before applying some of the ointment to the band-aid and wrapping it around his index finger. "That wasn't necessary, really. I've had worse cuts before. I mean, I lost my arm (y/n), it was fine rea-" he freezes as I carefully grab his metal hand and start wiping the blood off of it.

"You're so careless and have so little self respect or care. Don't think I don't realise how everytime we get back from a mission you sneak away before the medical assistance comes by." I sigh as I wipe the blood off him. "You always go to your room and just sleep, only cleaning up cuts if they are huge gashes. You don't let anyone help you, and while I know why you are that way, it's still not healthy." I grip his hand tightly as I look up at him, my vision blurry, in what would seem like rage to anyone outside of this closet. He and I both know it's not though, it's genuine care and love. Things neither of us let ourselves feel, much less let other people see.

He looks back at me, no doubt shocked about how much I had put together about his behavior as well as the pain in my voice. He also has a small look of concern as he looks down at his metal hand in mine. He's still scared of hurting me, even though I know he never would, but it seems like it's more than that. I feel a teardrop land on my hand, that's when I feel all the tears rolling down my face. While I am crying because of him, he thinks its because he hurt me.

He tries pulling his metal arm back and wipes away a tear of his own as he huffs, "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you (y/n). I didn't think that you... or rather that anyone could ever like me again after all the horrible things that I- That the Winter Soldier did. You've always seen past that though, seen that I'm not a... a monster." He moves his hair out of his face as he looks up at me again.

Those beautiful stormy eyes. They make me feel happy every time I peer into them. I can't resist his beautiful gaze, no matter how much eye contact is difficult for me. I glance down at his lips, they are slightly cracked but are a pretty peach colour, and look so soft. This could ruin everything, but it's worth it. "Bucky?" I glance back up to his eyes as my face gets hotter.

"(y/n)?" he glances at my lips as well but before he can look back up I lean forward and kiss him, laying one hand on his leg and the other on the wall for support. I can feel heat radiating off of him but his lips are almost cold. He hesitates but eventually kisses back and moves both of his hands to my waist for extra support.

"Wow. You guys finally left your shells. While he deserved what he got Tony is gonna be upset he missed this." Natasha turns around and goes back to watching the show. We both get up, and smile at each other but before I start walking back to the circle he tangles my hand with his. His metal hand, I can tell he is still hesitant to do so but, he's starting to feel more safe.

7 minutes! Avengers x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now