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I reach around in the bag, and my hand lands on a cold piece of metal. I pull it out and see that it's a red piece of metal from his suit, and then I quickly glare at Tony as my face turns red. Even though he is a total pain in the ass sometimes I still like him.

   Everyone starts laughing before I glare at them, too, and they shut up quickly. "Come on, let's go," Tony says, smirking at me as he walks into the closet and gestures for me to come over to him.

"You've gotta be crazy if you think I'm gonna go in a closet with you, and I am definitely not being locked in with—" I start yelling but get cut off by Clint and Steve pushing me into the closet and locking it closed.

We hear chuckling from the other side of the closet as I try and push open the door. Then I give up and turn towards Tony. It's almost pitch black except for the light coming through the cracks of the closet door, but I can still see - no, I can feel how close we are. Despite all the short jokes we make about him, he is still taller than I am, but I can still feel his chest against mine.

My face starts to heat up as he puts his arms on either side of me and pins me to the wall of the rather small closet. I can see him smirking slightly as he tilts his head and leans towards my ear, "Why is your face so red (y/n)?" He asks with confidence, tickling my ear with his warm breath.

"I uh, I'm not sure." I stutter nervously as he rests one hand on my waist, laying the other on my neck. He leans in to kiss me, and I just freeze with nervousness. I nearly gasped as his soft and surprisingly hot lips touch mine. He isn't kissing me as harshly as I thought he would. It almost seems like he's hesitating. I can feel my entire body light on fire, but i can also feel heat radiating off of him as well.

He pulled back so fast it almost seemed like I imagined it. "I'm sorry," he lowers his hands and puts as much distance as he can in this small closet, "I'm so impulsive, I didn't ask, I-" I cut him off by slowly grabbing his hands. They feel cold, as if all the blood had drained from them, but it doesn't take long for me to realize that his face was as red as strawberry.

"Tony, stop." I slowly turn over and rub circles in his shaking palms before looking up at him. "You are right. Even though we're playing this silly game, you should have asked, but I'm not mad or upset." I say as I look down at his hands. He hasn't made eye contact with me at all, not even earlier when I came up to check out what he was planning. I guess I was so caught up with work and the game that I hadn't realized...

"(y/n)?" I barely heard him call my name. He was so quiet, and his voice shook. This is Tony. The real Tony, not that facade he puts on for everyone. The one who takes all the insulting "jokes" and puts on an act and feigns offense when really, it hurts. "Do you... like me?"

Before I can say anything, I look back up and see a few tears gliding down his cheeks, the light peeking through, making them shine like little shooting stars. He's barely keeping his composure. I can tell. He looks as if he could collapse if someone so much as breathed too hard in his direction. I bring a hand up to his cheek, and he almost goes to lean into it as I wipe a tear away before resting it on his shoulder. I grip his hands with mine tightly, almost as if to hold him up before answering.

"Of course I do. You are one of the brightest people in the universe, which we both know is infinitely expansive." He chuckles softly and lets a small smile slip onto his face. I wipe away the rest of his tears, laying a small kiss on his cheek before looking in his eyes again and asking softly, "May I?" He looks at me with the sweetest look before giving a goofy smile and nodding.

I lean in and kiss him softly, being careful not to use too much pressure. He kisses back slowly, moving his hands back to the position they were in before. As we pull back, I can taste salt on my lips. Tears. Whether they were his or mine, I don't know, but before we can say anything else, the door is unlocked and slammed open by Clint.


Everyone is completely silent as they look at us with varying levels of interest or, in a few cases, not looking at all. "Well, this is lame. No steamy make-out session from the playboy and the-" I cut him off with a smack.

"Shut it, Clint, or you're going next!" Tony gently smiles at me and mouths a silent 'thank you' before we go and sit down. Then, making sure to take my item out of the bag, of course, I pass it off to the next person.

7 minutes! Avengers x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now