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Almost as soon as I reach my hand into the bag I hit something, I had to use both hands to pick it up it was so big. I pull out a giant Blueberry Poptart box, and I open it to see if there is a hint inside of it but there is just poptarts. "Ton-"

"Thor, you're up!" Tony cuts me of then smirks at me because I start blushing. Tony knows I have a crush on Thor because he over heard me telling Wanda and Nat.

Thor walks in but it's obvious he is very confused. Tony starts walking over but I walk in before he can push me. Before I close the door I can hear Wanda and Natasha laughing.

Instantly I can tell that I'm gonna have an issue. We are chest to chest and there is basically no wiggle room. If he weren't so tall our lips would no doubt be only centimeters away from each other.

"This is... a tight space. What are we supposed to do in here? Tony said we do whatever we want yet there isn't enough space to do that." He rambles a bit but I'm just focusing on trying not to pass out. I am overheating and being in such close quarters isn't helping, plus I can barely breathe.

I guess he notices something is up when I don't respond and my breathing gets heavier. "(y/n)? What's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need air? I can break the door if you need me too." he puts his hands firmly on my shoulders while looking down at me with concern.

"I'm... fine. Just a bit.. hot. That's all." I pant a bit as I lean into the wall.

"Do you need to undress? It would be difficult but I can help." I feel my face burn like the sun.

"No, no, that isn't necessary. I just, want to leave. I thought this would make me happy but, these close quarters are just making me panic."

He looks confused for a second before it hits him. "Do you like me?"

I am so close to passing out that I just nod before collapsing into him. I can feel his heart race as he drapes my arms around him before yelling to the group that they need to unlock the door. I hear someone complaining and another person unlocking it. I can only half open my eyes to see Steve opening the door with a concerned and panicked look on his face.

"Quickly get them out of there. Lay them down on the couch." I hear Steve tell Thor this as everyone moves out of the way looking worried.

"They seem sick. Tony, why would you set up a closet that small?!" I can tell that the voice is Nat's, she's probably gonna kill him.

"It's not my fault Thor is huge!" I hear Tony say defensively, but I can hear the concern in his voice.

"(y/n) you're gonna be okay, we're gonna go get ice and stuff. Just try and rest." I can't quite tell who's talking anymore. "Thor take them up to their room okay?"

"Of course." I feel someone pick me up and carry me. "I hope the medicine they get works." I feel Thor lay me down on my plush bed before sitting down and grabbing my hand.

"I... I like you too (y/n)." he whispers, I almost didn't hear him though.

I smile softly, "That makes me... happy." my voice sounds rough and exhausted but I had to say it. I slowly pass out, listening to him hum a random tune.

7 minutes! Avengers x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now