Chapter 5

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Hospitals had no concern for the time you waste sitting there just to get a plaster cleaned up. We had to wait hours before we finally got his plaster checked. By that time, the rain started pouring down out of nowhere.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said, staring outside.

"Should we just go out and get a cab, I mean there should be people coming here in one, right?" Mathias asked.

"We'll get soaked." I informed him.

"At the rate the rain's going, we'll be stuck here for a long time." He raised his eyebrows at me.

I sighed. "Let's go see if we can get a cab."

The rain had no intention of letting down as we walked away from the hospital towards the parking area; and just as I had suspected we were soaked and all the cabs were either taken or not available. Fifteen minutes in, and I was so cold I couldn't feel it anymore. My hair was dropping, and my shirt stuck to my skin. I looked over to Mathias and saw him talking to a man who was getting soaked now as well.

Just as I was about to call out and tell Mathias that maybe we should just call cab service and wait longer than standing around waiting for one, a very familiar looking car stopped right in front of me and rolled down the window. Harvey peeked out of the window at me, looking confused.

"I was confused if it actually was you since you are soaked, but do you need a ride?" He asked.

"We came because of Mathias, but yeah... that would be great." I replied, surprised and grateful to see him here. It would be dumb to refuse a ride at the state I'm in. I called out to Mathias to come over. We both got into the back seat of the car.

Harvey turned to us. "You guys must be cold, let me just turn up the heater."

Mathias bit his lip and rubbed his hands together. "We got your seat soaked, man."

Harvey waved it off as he started the car. "Don't worry about that. I suggest you guys get a room for the night since the university is a long way and you guys need a hot shower fast or else you might get pneumonia."

Mathias and I shared a look. Neither of us had any money on us for the room. We had only taken what we needed for the hospital bills. This was seriously embarrassing. Harvey was right, though, we needed a hot shower.

"We didn't really bring any money with us." Mathias told him. It was true, we only had enough to pay for the cab drive back.

Harvey thought for a moment, then took a glance at me before biting on his lower lips as though he was considering something. He finally sighed, "You guys should come to my place. At least you'll have a shower and fresh clothes. Then you can call a cab or something."

Mathias and I immediately shook our heads, refusing him. He was already doing enough for us. So, I said, "That's fine. You can just drop us as far as you can, and we'll get someone to pick us up from there."

Harvey frowned. "And you both will end up sick when you have important matches coming up. I am not letting my students get sick."

Harvey insisted that we go with him, so we relented and let him drive us to his home. I was nervous to go there again, remembering exactly what we were up to that last night I was in his house. The number of times I've imagined and dreamed about the same night. Mathias didn't know that, though, so I couldn't let anything slip that might make him suspicious.

Harvey led us into his apartment. "The shower is right over there."

He pointed us to his bathroom and the end of the corridor. The same one he had walked me through to his bedroom that night, hands all over each other. The thought heated my face and I immediately made my way to the shower.

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