2p England- My Little Cupcake (final part)

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You woke up in a clean hospital room, dressed in one of those patients gowns and one of your arms with needles in, hooked up to a machine. The hand of your opposite arm was being held by a certain blond, foul mouthed bloke. You smiled weakly, seeing him holding your hand, whilst asleep in an uncomfortable looking white chair. You gave a loud fake cough. With a start Arthur woke up, almost falling out of the chair. He looked at you with his captivating green eyes...they weren't as beautiful as Oliver's.
"(Y/n)!" He said happily. He then looked down at the hand he was holding and pulled his away, blushing like mad. "Sorry, h-how improper of me love." He said whilst averting his gaze. Him blushing was cute...but not as cute as when Oliver blushed.
"Don't worry bout it Arthur" you said weakly. "Where's Oliver?" You said whilst looking around, almost expecting him to be there. Arthur tucked a stray bit of your (h/c) behind your ear.
"Don't worry. He won't bother you anymore." He said whilst giving you a kind and loving expression. That didn't make you feel any better. You tried to look relieved but you really weren't.
"What are they going to do to him, like...where is he?" Your voice was shaky as you tried to ask about Oliver casually.
"I told you not to worry."England replied.
He was really starting to piss you off.
You remembered that before all this you would have swooned at him holding your hand, or tucking that hair behind your ear. But now there was nothing. Only Oliver occupied your thoughts in that way.
"When the police raided the house they didn't only find you there..but...also...23 corpses. They are still looking. There is probably more. They found many weapons, types of poisons, powerful anaesthetics and sedatives." He sighed and scowled with disgust. "Bastard." Him insulting Oliver made you flinch and made you so angry, but instead you just said.
"My, my how terrible." You sounded very insincere. England tilted his head and looked like he was going to ask you something but a nurse came in before he could.
"Visiting hours are over" she stated in a bored tone.
"Ok, thank you." He got up from the chair and looked down at you. He then leaned down and planted a kiss lightly on your forehead.
"I'm just happy that your ok."he was trying hard not to seem too keen because of his tsundere attitude."I love you, idiot"
He smiled and blushed and walked out of the room.
You sighed and scowled. The bored nurse walked in to the room and checked a few things.
"That is not the response I would expect to see after someone just got a confession from a handsome guy" she said, her tone still monotone, but now more interested. You gave her the evils and closed your eyes, getting in to a comfortable position to sleep in.

You woke up a few hours later and heard two female voices. You decided to keep your eyes closed and ease drop on their conversation.
"The family came when she was sleeping, didn't want to disturb her though. Poor girl, kidnapped by that freaking psycho. I think they should kill the bastard in the same way he killed those girls." The voice of a nurse you assumed. You clenched the crumpled sheets tightly, trying to hold your tongue.
"Yeah, a guy like that should burn in hell. He doesn't deserve to live" the other voice said plainly. You gritted your teeth so hard that you thought they might break.
"You never know what else he could have done to her...you know. The way she was found and all. Retarded son of a bitch should just kill himself." (*writing that part made me sad :,( Ollie). That was the final straw.
Your eyes shot open and you sat up quickly, a murderous look on your face. The two nurses were startled by your sudden movement since they probably assumed you were asleep. Your eyes flicked over to a small table with a silver tray on it that contained needles. Without thinking you grabbed a couple of the needles and shot out of bed, ripping the needles in your own arm out. You swiftly made your way to the door, blocking it so the two surprised women couldn't escape.
You stood there panting. They both looked rather scared, not daring to reason with you.
You calmly spoke."What was that you were saying?"
"Maybe that psychopath influenced her or something." One of them whispered to the other, far too loudly for her own good.
"SHUT UP BITCH!" You briskly ran at her, stabbing her in the eye with one of the needles. She screamed out in pain.
The other cowered behind her whimpering. You then proceeded to stab the other in the neck harshly and inject her with whatever was in there. The needle was still in one of the nurses eyes, screaming as you moved it around, making the eyeball more soup like in consistency.

You soon left them both on the floor and took one of their key cards just in case. You ran through the hospital, doctors and nurses giving you odd and worried looks, but too occupied to do anything about it. You were going on adrenaline alone.
Once you made it outside, you ran to a payphone. It was dark...there was someone you knew would come and get you.

~skipping of le time~

A grey Bentley pulled up and you quickly climbed in.
"(Y/n)! I was just coming in to get..." He paused as he saw you still in your white hospital gown and blood dripping from your arm. "You said they let you out."
"Well I say a lot of things, doesn't mean they're true." You replied coldly. This hurt England a little.
"I need to take you back. Come on now love, you must be feeling a bit unstable." Before he could move you held a scalpel, that you had picked up whilst taking a short cut through one of the wards, to his throat.
"Take me to where Oliver is. You must know. He is the other England after all."
Arthur nodded his head slightly, so you took away the cutting instrument, but still had it ready if he tried anything funny.


"Hello Arthur, here to see Oliver." A doctor said to him. Arthur nodded.
"Are you ok? You seem a bit flustered..." The doctor then spotted you standing behind him. Your hair was messy, you weren't wearing proper clothes, dark circles hung under your eyes and you had a pissed off expression plastered out your features.
"Umm..." The doctor started.
"Don't worry, she's with me." England said in response to the doctors worried expression. This was a mental hospital for the criminally insane, you can't be too cautious.

An ear splitting alarm sounding, making all of you cover your ears. The doctor muttered multiply curse words.
"Doctor, there has been a breach!" Another doctor came up to the one Arthur had been speaking too, who must be more of a senior, acting very scared.
"Who! Who was it." The first doctor replied. The other hesitated.
"Prisoner 1108...Oliver Kirkland." Your expression turned into a beaming smile at hearing his name.

"OLIVER! OLIVER I'M HERE!" You screamed out.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU IDOIT!" Arthur shouted at you. You were suddenly picked up by a pair of strong arms and taken away. You buried your face in to the mans chest. Mmm, that smell. But he was too clean, the clothes were too fake and perfect smelling. You had no idea how but soon you were outside. He stopped running when the two of you reached a forest.

His hair was a mess and his face bruised. The officers or doctors must have roughed him up. You stroked his pale, freckled face.
"How did you escape?" You questioned.
"It doesn't matter, I'm here with you now, that's all that matters." He said with a mischievous grin. "I am sorry for hurting you dear, it will never happen again." He protectively held your shoulders tightly.
"Why did you come looking for me?" He softly stroked your cheek.
"Oh didn't you know...My favourite games are the most dangerous." You smirked. He laughed at you quoting his own words back to him.
"That's stupid." He then held your face and kissed you passionately.

You two became shadows, ghosts, shuffling through the darkness leaving a trail of death and destruction behind you like a hurricane. You completed each other. You didn't care about anything else anymore.
To you, he was the best thing that had happened to you, but also your undoing.
Your love was true...but also insane.


Well, that's the end!!! Yay! I hope you like the end (I like it :3)
This has been so much fun to write. I hope I didn't offend anyone with the content or anything.
For the next one shot, I don't know whether to do 2p Canada or 2p America. Plz comment which one if you want to, it would help me to decide. :3
I really love writing and I am happy people have read and liked my work :,)
Thank you!
Laters love
Take cake 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰💀🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰there may be poison in one .... 💀
And by the way, I realised that I use a lot of ellipsis's in my writing (....)

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