2p America~Just Another Doll~ (Part ???)

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Ah yes who enjoys some key lime pie, lemon cheesecake, lemon and limeade? Yeah yeah you get me fam? Ahahha...ha...
You'll get me once you start reading, so this is basically a subtle warning. It does contribute towards Al's character and gives you some more insight into him ;) More author-chan talk at the end!

Allen sat on top of a rickety school desk that wobbled on its broken feet if he leant to far backwards or forwards on it, looking down at his old trainers.
'How long have I had these shitty converse?' He pondered.
The class room door opened and you scuttled into the classroom with a sense of urgency.
"Where is it? Crap where is it where is it where is it?" You mumbled making your way through the classroom, searching for something on top of tables, underneath them, even crouching down and shaking the bin to see if whatever you were looking for was there.
"Hey sweetie." He said, cocking his head up and giving you a smirk. You were taken by surprise, too preoccupied before to notice the handsome boy sat at the back of the classroom happily swinging his legs like a five year old. Al had found it amusing for a while, seeing your flustered state, your skirt flapping around as you bent down to check under desks...had it always been that short?
In the end he decided he wanted the attention on him, to see your reaction to him surprising you, and he was so glad that he did. Your cheeks lit up like red Christmas lights and your eyes were wide, wow what a great look on you he couldn't help but think.

"Have you seriously been there the whole time?" Your tone of voice was the same as usual, but it didn't fit with how mflustered and embarrassed you looked. "And sweetie? That's a new one."
"Yes I have been here the whole time 'sweetie'." Dragging out the word sweetie with a cruel smile as you rolled your (e/c) eyes.
"What doll? You don't like it?" He chuckled.
"Well it's nicer than 'doll'....but I don't know whether it's less patronising" you turned around and carried on scoping out the classroom as Al happily watched you, yep watched not helped but watched. (*fricking asshole)

"Nope not here either, dammit." You muttered, hating your life at that moment. You glanced over at Allen who just raised his eyebrows, as if to say 'well are you going to tell me what you were looking for?'
"I lost my homework sheet for fourth period and it was supposed to be in last week, I only just got away with it last week with some lame excuses. Now (insert least favourite teacher here) is going to have my head on a stick because I can't find it" You walked over to Allen and pulled yourself up on to the desk directly in front of him so you were facing him. Such a shame that you weren't aware of your skirt length as you did that (insert Lenny face).
"Black and lacy, nice" Al said casually as he averted his eyes, looking to a distant corner of the classroom.
After a second of processing that statement through your brain you instinctively pulled down the hem of skirt and your back slumped in to a defeated position.
"Aghhh are you serious could this day get any bloody worse!" You put your head in your hands, feeling the heat radiating from your face.
"Hey doll don't worry about it, everything'll work out in the end." He leaned forwards, the desk slightly shaking beneath him, and put a warm hand on your shoulder.
You frowned, tilting your head up just enough as so to give him eye contact, confused at that unexpected encouragement.
"You know we aren't friends right? Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" Your words were cutting but they made sense.
He shrugged. You sighed and returned to your hunchback position, looking back down at the floor with slow lazy blinks, hair falling in your face and your lips slightly parted, like you were about to say something or were just lost in your own headspace.

Allen's deep red eyes were settled on you and they weren't moving any time soon. You were so...he couldn't explain what you were. He wasn't great with words, processing feelings and having to take the time to analyse them. He was like some sort of advanced robot that just couldn't grasp the whole 'feelings' concept sometimes.

2p Hetalia x Reader- Dangerous LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant