Back from unannounced hiatus ✨

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"OH ShiTe WhaT Up NEw ChaPter-oh wait it's just another authors note..."

Sorry reader-chan...
But what up I'm back and ready to write! A lot has happened to me over the last year that's been pretty crappy and I would rather not discuss (it's not important and you guys aren't here to talk about me but for 2p Hetalia goodness 👌)

I'm not sure whether Nordics or America will be the next chapter but I guess we'll find out.

I just wanted to tell hose who have followed this story for a long time that the next chapter is coming and that I haven't dropped this book. I love you all and the constant new readers and support I have been given.


Laters love,
Have some love! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
By the way yes that is a glimpse of writer chan as the picture (lol what a narcissist I am)

2p Hetalia x Reader- Dangerous LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora