2p England - My little cupcake (part 2)

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~America's pov~

"Dammit! (y/n) didn't reply to my text, she hasn't even read it yet! I hope non of them got to her." I muttered to myself as I ran thorough the forest that leads to the back of England's house. He had called me earlier that day asking for girl advice about 'someone'. I obviously knew it was (y/n), so I told him to ask her around to his house and make his move or confess, whatever. After that I called him due to the fact there had been a sighting of Kuro (Japan's 2p) and I'm not gonna lie, I was worried about him. As soon as he answered with his usual;
"What do you want you American wanker." I was going to explain the possible threat but there was soon shouting and crashing on the other end of the phone...the line went silent...then the disgustingly sweet voice of non other than Oliver Kirkland was heard.

"Oh Alfred! Salutations. Say hello to Allen from me. Thanks." The line then went dead.

It was around midnight at the time I was running through the moonlit woods with a rifle strapped to my back to check on Arthur (would have been earlier but I was too busy being the hero). I suddenly stopped in my tracks, seeing something hanging from a tall tree just a few feet away from me. I screamed- I mean shouted in a very manly way *cough cough* at the thing because, dude, that was real creepy. I edged closer to the tree and shone the light from my phone on to the higher branches that it was hung from.
I saw England's body, beaten and bruised, limbs chained together, hanging limply from a noose.

~Normal pov~
(Back to you and Ollie)

Oliver had pulled the chair you were attached to up to Arthur's wooden table in the kitchen. You sat there looking down, worrying about this 'game' that you were forced in to playing. It was around midnight and he had been cooking something for about half an hour now. You had heard him muttering some things to himself or giggling, sometimes looking over at you. You weren't looking at him, you could just feel his bright blue eyes on you. He then pulled a chair up opposite you at the table, smiling brightly.
"So cupcake, I guess we should talk a little, huh, so I'll start by saying I really do love baking. It is such a lovely...art, don't you think?! Also, blah blah blah." You just stopped listening, not really caring nor interested in the pink haired mans life story.

~just a little time skip~

"And the there's Allen and... (y/n) are you listening." Oliver said leaning across the table a little, tilting his head in an almost childish way. You couldn't help but chuckle at this.
"Of course I was listening Ollie."
He leaned back blushing a little. Arthur would also blush when you called him a nickname, like Iggy or Artie. He would really try to cover it up though, where as Oliver just let it grace his cheeks. He was cute when he wasn't showing his dominating, murderous side.

"Umm, as I was saying Allen is jerk face, please excuse my language, and Matt is just plain mean." He said not looking at you.
"So Allen is the second America and Matt is the second Canada?" You asked, a little interested in how opposite the other countries counterparts were, now seeing how different England is.
You two talked for a little.
"It really is quite strange." You said laughing a little.

~Oliver's POV~

'Wow, she really is something. She is making me blush for goodness sake! She is stunning, even though she has some imperfections, don't we all, they make her more intriguing. This feeling...it's probably just lust. It's different though. I need to stop thinking like that.' I watched her as sat there lost in her thoughts, (y/n) seemed a more comfortable now. My mind was such a mess and she only made it worse, clouding my pain and hurt with warmer feelings. I needed something to put me back to my usual mindset.
Then something seemed to click in my mind.
'Oh I forgot about that.'
I didn't get enough time with little defenceless Arthur. It wasn't very satisfying for me but I guess it brought back up a painful bit of the past for him.

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