2p England - My little cupcake (part 1)

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Just in case -
(f/b) - favourite band. (h/c) - hair colour. (y/n)- your name. (f/c) - favourite colour
You probably know that already...oh well :3

You sat in your room one cloudy afternoon listening to (f/b). Your messy (h/c) was spread out around your head as you fell back on to your bed.
'Man, I'm so bored.' Almost as if on cue (*just speeding the story a little ;) ) your bushy eyebrowed friend texted you. The text read:
"Good afternoon (y/n), this is Arthur. I hope your day is going well. I was just wondering if you would like to pop over to my house and watch a movie? See you later love ( I know you will say yes ). X"
You chuckled a little at how formal his text was. 'Always the gentleman' you thought as you replied a sarcastic comment and a confirmation.

~time skip to Narnia... Lol jk ^.^~

The afternoon was slowly sinking in to being dusk, making the air a little colder and causing the light to dim. You were around half way to your mate England's home, the chilled wind blowing back your hair and jacket as your (f/c) converse hit the concrete at a steady pace. You started thinking about the possible evening ahead of you. Maybe you'll watch some sweet romantic comedy that Arthur picks out all the faults in, making you giggle. Snuggling on the sofa with popcorn, slowly his hand creeps around your back then rests on your hip, the two of you look in to each other's eyes, slowly moving in for a kiss, things soon escalate and... 'No! I can't think like this! Focus and be realistic.' You mentally shouted at your brain whilst looking down at the pavement. Light coming from the phone in your jean pocket caught your eye, you pulled it out to see that the device had received two new texts. You looked at the screen to see that one was from your loud mouthed American friend Alfred and the other from Arthur. It was an obvious choice to open the one from you longtime English crush first. As you read the message, your features slowly creased into a frown.
'Oh hello poppet ❤️❤️❤️ Sorry dear but I have changed my mind, don't come around, I arranged to meet with someone else beforehand. Oops! Bye poppet. Xxxxxxxxx 🍰☺️'
'Da hell?' Was the only thing that went through your mind. 'Arthur is so tsundere, he would never write that. Plus, why all the kisses and emojis? There is something wrong here.' You then broke out in to a fast jog putting your phone back in your pocket, too preoccupied to look a the text from Alfred. (*oh dear reader-chan)

~Bushy Brits house~

Arthur's house was fairly large, not a mansion, but quite a substantial size, with clean white walls and an army green front door. You began to walk down the pathway leading to the entrance only to stop half way, seeing that there was not a hint of light coming from any of the windows and by this time it was getting dark. 'I guess he did make other arrangements. That text...he is probably drunk...again' *sigh* You began to turn around to walk away 'it must just be me overreac...' You stopped mid thought as you heard a suspicious creak behind you, and upon turning around saw that the door was slightly open.
"He's so organised! He would never leave without locking the door..." You whispered to yourself whilst edging back to the green door.
You pushed down your fear and pulled out you trusty pocketknife that you always have in you pocket (because your such a badass XD) and entered the dark house. 'Wheres that light switch' you thought running your hand along the wall of the hallway leading to the rest of the house.
The door suddenly shut, causing you to jump worse than you did at jump scares in video games. You froze, breathing heavily, a chill making its way down your back as if someone was breathing down the back of your neck...wait was someone breathing down the back of your neck!? You whipped around only to see there was nothing there, but then you felt a cold hand snake itself under your shirt and wrap around your waist causing you to jump and loose grip on the knife due to your hands sweating. 'SHIT' you thought with wide eyes. Another hand holding an old stained rag over your mouth caused you to start panicking and struggling, but the person holding you was too strong and just laughed at you with a mocking giggle. The cloth smelt strongly of blood and something sweet, the combination made you want the throw up. You could feel yourself getting light headed and just as you fell to the wooden floor you heard a sickeningly sweet voice say

"Night night poppet."

As you opened your eyes you found yourself face to face with a man with hypnotising blue eyes with a bit of baby pink swirled in looking back at you. You blushed at how close to your face he was and the fact he was staring at you. He had some light freckles and a creepy, wide smile that gave him slight dimples on his pale cheeks. His hair was strawberry blonde, almost pink, and in the same style as Arthur's.
'Actually, he looks a lot like...' It then dawned on you. 'Crap, crap, crap, crapola!' This guy had only been briefly mentioned to you before in one of Alfred's 'I'm the hero!' stories about the last time the 2nd players attacked the countries. From what he said...he sounded very sick in the head (*haha that rhymes)

"Y-Your his 2p-p, aren't y-you." You stated, trying not to stutter, but the whole situation was quite terrifying. Plus you had just realised the fact that you were tied to a kitchen chair with a mentally unstable psychopath I front of you, who had your life in his hands.
"Hello poppet, good to see you awake!" He replied happily. "I would rather you refer to me as Oliver."
"What have you done to him you sick son of a-" your pocketknife was swiftly held to your throat by Oliver before you could finish. He giggles at the shock on your little cute face.
"Nice little blade you have here (y/n). Don't make me use this on your pretty throat, because I will if you use such foul language." The sadistic male caressed your throat with the knife, enjoying looking at you trying to contain you fear.
"I wouldn't worry about Arthur poppet." He leaned a little closer so you noses were touching and you could feel his warm breath on your lips, making you feel uneasy.
"You should be more worried about yourself cupcake." He whispered creepily

'What has he done to Arthur? What's he going to do to me?! It's really distracting that he looks like England, I just wanna lean forward a bit so our lips touch-' you mentally slapped yourself.

"Mmmm..." Oliver backed away so you could see him completely. He wore a white dress shirt with a pink sweater vest over the top, accompanied by a bright blue bow tie that was the same shade as his eyes. His trousers were brown and his shoes black, much like the original England.
"I won't kill you yet. *giggle* What fun would that be? How about a little game cupcake." He smirked, causing your stomach to turn.
Oliver's pov-
'She is so attractive, gripped in fear but trying to not make it obvious. I want to make her scream, oh, how much more beautiful will she look then? I see why Arthur is keen on her. I think his exact words when I chained him up were "don't hurt her you wanker." He didn't have to say it in such a rude way. He won't be saying anything for a while though. Maybe I can keep her as my personal play thing for a while.'
Hey guys! So this is literally my first story on Wattpad...yay!
I tried not to make this too long so that's why it's in parts and the next part will be more eventful! Hope you liked it.
Laters love.
Have a rice ball 🍙

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