2p America ~ Just Another Doll ~ (Part 5)

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(The song linked is like kinda relevent, but i just love it so...

Also I'm sorry about spelling or grammar issues, I try to proof read but I find it really hard...oops. Anyway enjoy 😊)


You pulled up to a small white building with one large window to expose the supposedly inviting inside to passers by, and the word 'cafe' in large cobolt blue letters above the pain of glass. From what you could see the inside was almost as plain as the outside, with a few people sitting at tables inside, seemingly brooding over cups of coffee and toast. It would have felt appropriate if moody blues music was playing in the background. It wasn't just the outside of the establishment that may have not been very inviting to prospective customers, but also the fact that it was positioned on the outskirts of town, not on the main road used to get in and out of town, it's closest block of housing was considered a 'rough' area that nobody other than it's residents  frequented.

Al slid in to a parking space with ease and parked up, then getting out of the car without even a glance to you.
'Well I guess this is definitely the place then.' You thought as you heaved your self out of the car, slinging your backpack onto your shoulder. You'd lived in this town all your life and never even knew this was here.

Al opened the heavy glass door at the entrance, not bothering to hold it open for you to follow him. A gent as always.

Allen gravitated towards a table next to the expansive window, but up in the corner, sheltered from the rest of the caff by a wall that was a devide from the kitchen and counter area. Once you sat down it actually felt quite cosy and tucked away. The quiet murmur of the patrons with the background of chatter and clashes of cutlery coming from the kitchen was a good combination for a relaxed atmosphere. 

How often did Allen come here?
You couldn't help but feel that he seemed comfortable here. It wasnt like at school where he walked around with this tough guy persona, a swagger in his walk and an air of arrogance surrounding him. He was...normal?

Your eyes flicked up from the laminated menu you had picked up to look at him. He stared out of the window with a forlorn look. You knew there was nothing out there worth looking at (unless he found the car park really interesting), but there was something about that feeling of staring just for the sake of it that you understood. It's almost relaxing, switching your brain off. His scarlet eyes slid to look at you, probably feeling your gaze. Your knee jerk reaction was to return to looking at your menu intently, like you were trying to read a Dickens novel. Looking away quickly in these kind of situations usually makes it seem like you're guilty of staring (which you were), but sharing a lingering glance with someone can be taken in multiple ways, but usually it gets interpreted that it's because you find said person 'attractive'; something Allen has definitely taught you with his jumping-to-conclusions-lookin-ass.

"You done? How long does it take to look at a menu dammit." He turned his eyes back to the outside world, the day was becoming increasingly overcast. "Tell me what ya want and I'll go get it."
"Oh don't worry, I can pay for myself."  That was unexpectedly gentlemanly.
"No I mean I'll go order, we go pay after. I know the owner, I wanna have a chat to him."
Oh if course it was too good to be true. Blood rushed to your cheeks.
"Ah sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Just shut up and tell me what you want. I'd recommend getting a cup of coffee, best coffee you'll ever drink here." he slid his metal chair back with a loud scraping noise and stood up, extending his arms up to stretch his back and shoulders. The hem of his charcoal grey hoodie rose with his arms, that paired with the low rise fit of his jeans equalled the bottom of his abs and top of his hip v showing. It was only a small amount but his beautiful tan skin paired with his hardened muscles made your heart involuntarily skip a beat (or two.)
"And just to let you know...you can't say me. I'm off the menu." You looked up at him, expecting to see that cocky glint in his eyes, but as you met his red obs, it was his turn to avert his gaze. He had a smirk on his face but his heart didn't seem to be fully in the flirtacious joke.
"Hey Al, can you do me a favour?" You said tilting your head. He mimicked you and quirked a questioning eyebrow.
"Wadda ya want doll?"
"Say coffee again." You chuckled and he rolled his eyes.
"Yes I have a New York accent, yes I say coffee differently can you get over yourself." He seemed to be pouting.
Was that sarcasm? You honestly couldn't tell. You were just trying to joke with him.

2p Hetalia x Reader- Dangerous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now