2p Nordics~Trouble makers (part 1)

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You walked down a grey main street in town, with (f/b) blasting through your headphones in to your ears and a scowl planted on your face. You felt the vibration of your phone in your jeans pocket and pulled it out to discover a message from Denmark on your screen.

"Hey (y/n). Soz bout earlier. We just care about u that's all! Plz be careful. U still comin to our house for a movie l8r? Plz babe ;). X"

You angrily locked the screen and stuffed it back in to your pocket.
Earlier that day you had been at the Nordics house. Over the last week there had been multiple violent attacks in the area, including people being kidnapped, tortured and burnt. The people conducting these acts were a gang of five unidentified men. It was a hot topic and everyone was trying to find out the identities of these men. You had mentioned this to the five brothers and they all shot awkward and uncomfortable looks at each other. You soon found out that they knew who were doing the crimes, but none of them would reveal who it was.


"Guys, just tell me! Or at least the police, come on!" You shouted at them.
"Trust us, there is nothing the police can do about them." Iceland muttered.
"Why not?!" You had been trying to get the truth out of them for a while, but they were all being secretive. "Is it you guys?"
"Don't be stupid!" Iceland shouted, then blushed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you."
"Listen (y/n), we don't want to get you involved in this, it's our problem." Finland said in a motherly fashion whilst placing his hands on your shoulders, as Sweden nodded his head behind him.
"Hey, you should stay here! So, you know, we can keep an eye on you and make sure you're  safe. You can share a room with me." Denmark said in his loud voice, giving you a wink after. Only seconds later though, he was being chocked by Norway.
"Stupid Dane. Although, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Mathias. Except for the last part. You can sleep in the guest room." Norway said in his usual stoic fashion. You just stood there.
"Please...I don't like that you are keeping this from me. We are all so close that I kind of feel like the sixth Nordic! Plus I don't need your protection! Why would I end up 'involved'?" You were becoming pissed off at the fact they were all being so weird about all of this. They all exchanged worried looks and shook their heads.
You left after that.

~back to current time~

'Am I overreacting?' You thought after you had some time to cool off. 'I guess I should go over later...at least to apologise...they could just be trying to protect me or something. Why do they need to do that though?' You sighed and carried on walking. You spotted a sweet shop and decided to pop in and get some (f/s), plus some liquorice for Iceland. You decided you may as well get things for the other guys too.

~later on~

You sat on a worn, wooden park bench and let yourself relax. You had ended up buying beer for Denmark (you thought that may have bad side affects later, but got it anyway), butter cookies for Norway, cinnamon rolls for Finland and pickled herring for Sweden (because for some reason he likes it :P). You got out the bag of sweets you had purchased earlier that day and began to eat them, looking out at the peaceful park and enjoying the sunny, tranquil afternoon. This was soon disturbed by the presence of someone tall standing over you.
You looked up to see a tall, blond man looking down at you with a sly smirk on his face. You blinked a few times, confused by the mans appearance.
"You enjoying the view älskling [1]?" The man said in a flirty manner and then laughed at himself. He spoke with a strong Swedish accent, which just confused you even more.
'Had Swe got a twin? This isn't him. This guys hair is darker, his eyes are red and he openly shows his emotion. Da fuq?' You thought.
"Oi, Bernard you fucker, let's go." A shorter man with lighter blonde hair and ruby eyes glared at the two of you.
'Finland? No way...Finland would have to clean his mouth out with soap if he said that.'
"I'm just being social. Lighten up a bit" the Swedish male slung his arm over the Finnish mans shoulder.
"Get off me, we need to get going." The Finnish guy said before sighing and walking off. The man that looked like Berwald winked at you and walked off.

2p Hetalia x Reader- Dangerous LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant